

Discussions mapman has started

low output MC phono preamp for Audio Research pre1208716
Help with Low Level hum in phono28925
What are the best digital recordings I can buy ?31024
Review: Ohm Acoustics Ohm Walsh 100 Series 3 Speaker2318918
Should I go to a Benchmark DAC1 pre in my system?1199821
Seventh Sojourn - The Moody Blues282836
The Moody Blues - "Seventh Sojourn"3089127
Question Of Balance - The Moody Blues124189
Days of Future Passed - The Moody Blues242554
Catchy tunes that sound great?948236
DAC as an upgrade1213436
Silky and soft highs II: CD reference tests585413
dbx 3bx series 2 question57933
Maggie versus Magico1443025
How to clean pots and switches properly?91424