
Responses from margaretha

Hunting for an integrated for thiels cs 2.3. Anthem, Hegel, Bel Canto?
Gato dia 400s   
Class D Option For Bass
Gato dia 400s and a very good dac better than mine lumin d2.  
Best Music Streamer to pair with Rogue Audio monoblocks and Pre-Amp
Please no subs!! You destroy the maggies.  
Why I don't hear bass drums on Jazz LPs?
Listen first live to jazz in a club or theatre or a concert than asked the same question. I think you never asked again.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
For get it with hegel 250w to run the 3.7.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
Johnto, there it go's wrong with the term deep. Are you listen to instruments or frequentie.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
The magnepan has the most instrumental low no pump low.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
Never but never use subwoofers with magnepan only the dwm panels from magnepan . You must use a power amp like krell the ksa 250, cello duet,viola thats kind of stuff. Never tubes!!  
Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700
Musical fidelity the mx8i or the Gato dia 400s.  
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
Not always is a modification a good modification.  
Could Class D really be that good?
The gato dia 400s class d very good.   
PURON RESOLVE creates new options for better sound
A question, have somebody use a power stabilizer in his system?      
Kids, Dogs, and Speakers
Magnepan nice for the cats and the kids.  
Amp — Leave on or turn off
Hilde your croissant is fresh or a day before?  
Maggies and subwoofer integration
Than at least the dmw panels from magnepan.