
Discussions mark has started

Question about Snell B with amps and preamps33287
Seeking help with an amp problem23592
VK-31 or other BAT preamp upgrade831210
Different manual tube biasing methods23541
Alephs with VMPS?30702
Mixing different tubes in a preamp33113
Jadis JP-80 with Audio Research?51902
Converting MP3 files for the new iPod Shuffle27852
what interconnect for roksan Kandy KC-1 CDP23740
Cary 300SEI with KR 300BXLS tubes71222
Which amp to use?47784
Manley Purist Preamp46322
Question about Cary 308T CD player38441
Harbeth C7- Tube or solid state power?575816
How to tame the high of harbeth C7727312