
Discussions markj941 has started

McIntosh MA252 owners, one SMALL problem47687
McIntosh MA252 or Pathos Classic One mkIII527717
Can a Hana SH cartridge be set up as either MC and MM?741715
Clearaudio Concept and Audio Technica AT6006R tonearm lifter???450413
cleaning base pins14694
Upgrading my Sovtek 6922 vacuum tubes1032823
How does adding a second subwoofer improve your systems SQ?324365
Do both cables have to be the same length? 15407
Speaker cable arrows???19076186
Downfiring subs on carpet?872217
Monitors and speaker stamds?172110
Decware DM945 speakers?57333
Best high sensitivity rated monitor speakers from $1200-150015453
Silverline or Sonus Faber28484
Amp binding posts for bare speaker wires27874