
Responses from markmoskow

Help with high end bookshelf speakers
Audionote, the smaller less expensive 2 ways, I think K's. I had same issue. You can put them on a set of iso acoustic mini pucks on a cradenza or bookshelf against wall, vertical or horizontal and sit 6-7 feet away. Or, of course, stands. That ma... 
Is there a cheaper alternative to this:
I have 2 sets from Etsy. One welded steel like these and the other solid oak. Both about half price or less. Once set up feel the base. If it vibrates a little then use some flat thin rubbery wedges, like Herbie's or even cheap ones, or you can cu... 
How much should I expect with a warranty issue from a large retailer/distributor?
The warranty lies with the mfr, not distributor or retailer. In this cast a S Korean co. The USA has exceedingly strict warranty laws with intl companies. Warranty breaches can suspend trade here or even shut them down. Many don't know how tough ... 
Streamers under $1500
I went through various stuff under 1000 and settled on Raspberry pi w Allo digione card or equivalent. And their LPS or Nirvana power supply.  Add an SSD for files. I use Volumio with it but there might be better. Small footprint, and I think soun... 
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello.
Jim’s film shows the heart and soul of this whole era. Jim, Buddy, Larry, all those guys had the rare talent to both do the music they wanted and not let the music business run them in circles (too much, although Larry’s Dylan days, who knows). @b... 
A great video on an artist you may not be aware of. Participants include Elvis Costello.
Larry Campbell    
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
I agree with OP. Especially his Stones albums. I would add For the Roses to JM’s best other than Blue. @jmalen123 ​​​​​ makes sense to me. I know many professional musicians. Some have just a boom box for CDs. A few have good systems. But most, li... 
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...
I echo a couple of the early posts that recommend a used DD turntable. I have 7 Denons, of which 3 are being used--good ones from the 80s will run for years, and the servo arms take care of a lot of worrying about cartridge matching and so on. Som... 
Recommendations on integrated amps
Creek Evolution 100A--small, easy, powerful, tough, make sure it has the remote--maybe $750-850 used. Any of the Yamaha AS501 or AS701 new or used, have had them for years, no problems, both are larger. But really, any of these suggested will all ... 
Good measuring DACs vs.
I have tried a dozen or so DACs at wide price levels, wide technology differences, bad measurements, good measurements, no measurements. I don't know why this is but I have had highly rated DACs sound not as good to my ears as ones costing 1/4 pri... 
What to do with a large collection
I would consider a bulk purchase from you. Especially the LPs, but also the CDs, however you want to do it. I have bought two classical collections locally for personal use not resale. Thanks, Mark  
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
@moonwatcher @tony1954 A lot of people I've met over the years moved on around 1972, or even earlier. some got interested in old blues records, others in appalachian or country, perhaps led there by a lot of the rock albums they began to realize w... 
Was 1971 the high point of popular music?
'71 maybe. By end of 1972, it was all over. I was 18, bought The Jimi Hendrix Experience in 8th grade, and I think the last rock record I bought was as a freshman in college, Dark Side of the Moon. That's about as far as it went I think.  5 years.... 
Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge
My feeling is that the best bang for the buck is a Denon 303, even if you pay to retip (301, 302, 304 likewise, or new 301 mkii). Bang for the buck, that is. I have two Grado Ref Sonata 1's, one with a micro re-tip...both sound very good, second b... 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
Charles Tolliver Live in Tokyo, Miles Davis My Funny Valentine, Cecil Taylor Cafe Montmarte, McCoy Tyner Passion Dance (Tokyo), Dolphy Copenhagen, Ethnic Heritage Ensemble (forget title, CD), Jarrett Trio w Peacock/DeJohnette Still Live,  Clifford...