

Responses from markusthenaimnut

Has anybody had experience with Jena Labs Haldi AES-EBU digital cable
Hi @johnah5 Your comment about the Jena Labs Haldi got me curious. I never got to hear that one, but was able to audition the Njord in my system. Wow! Fantastic! However, far above my budget. I ended up replacing my Cardas Clear (which is very go... 
Upgrade Digital Cable Review
My .02 story -  When I bought a standalone DAC I needed a digital cable to connect my CD player. I went to a local shop that sold Nordost and Shunyata. They sent me home with a cost-effective cable from Nordost and also a Nordost Blue Heaven. The... 
Interconnect priority
My experience is consistent with the source first approach. It is annoying to hear these differences, especially with loaned cables, because once I hear it, I want it all the time. It is just $$$.  
Futterman. Jump in? Or, not so fast...
@unreceivedogma  I decided to stick with my humble Quad 909. Simplicity and reliability and the ability to "set it and forget it" are important considerations. I do appreciate that perhaps I was worrying unnecessarily about the Futtermans. But i... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hey Fellow Supratek owners -  Just a quick question - what E180F tubes are you preferring? Markus  
New cables...
@jaredpurdy  I, for one, am very interested to hear your update on installing the new cable loom in your system. Last time you posted here your seemed somewhat lukewarm. I predicted that all would be well, once the cables have had a chance to bre... 
New cables...
@jaredpurdy  - A couple of thoughts. I think there are several reasons why might not be sure you’re hearing a difference with the new cables. 1. Stress. Anxiety. Misgivings about having spent all that money. Stress WILL have an effect on your hea... 
Has anybody had experience with Jena Labs Haldi AES-EBU digital cable
They're located here in Oregon, so maybe I'll be able to get a home demo. I do know that my Cardas Clear 75ohm digital cable was a clear step up from my Nordost Blue Heaven wire. So I think it is worth checking out. @jasonbourne71 I really think ... 
Streamer/DAC combinations
A second suggestion here for the MHDT Orchid. This DAC raises an interesting question - how much of the evolution of digital that has taken place in the 30 years since its’ Philips TDA 1541a chip was invented actually contributes to the enjoyment... 
MHDT Orchid versus MHDT Pagoda..which one is best?...and why?
Just a quick follow-up. I think this comparison between the Orchid and the Pagoda that might be of interest to others. For the last week I've had the opportunity to listen to a Pagoda (non-balanced version) in my system and compare it to my Orchi... 
Shunyata Venom RCA vs Bluesound Node 2i stock rca
I think you gotta live with it in the system for a while. You might hear a difference with a quick A - B comparison but it would be very logical for that to be affected by your expectation that you will hear a difference, just like @jasonbourne71 ... 
Cardas hierarchy - older/newer - who has experience?
@theo Thanks for your comments. Pray tell, where are your GR and CR interconnects positioned?  And what direction do you plan to go when you upgrade your speaker cables? Have you tried other "levels" in the Cardas lineup? Thanks  
Mhdt Orchid vs ANK 4.1 LE
You might try asking this question over on the head-fi board. I think there is at least one member over there who has, or has at least heard, both DACs. Seek out a thread titled something like "MHDT R-to-R DACs..."  That thread runs to 58 pages,... 
MHDT Orchid versus MHDT Pagoda..which one is best?...and why?
I'm gong to enter this post on this thread merely to help it rise once again in the lineup and ask if anyone has any new experience to share here, since the thread was last active in August of 2021. (Gee how time flies!) Any experience to share h... 
2a3 ?
I have been told by someone who should know that a 2a3 is, essentially, two 45s in one enclosure. When I used to own a 300B amp I was always a bit puzzled about the reverence shown to the 2a3. I wondered why praise of the 300B was not universal? W...