
Responses from mathewm

I have a Jolida 302b and I'm looking for tube rec?
When I had a Jolida 302b I actually preferred the stock Chinese power tubes the best, even over the Winged C's. The input tubes made the biggest difference. I was using upper end Sovtek's. The best sounding 12AX7 tube that I've heard are NOS RCA's... 
Audible illusions Modulus 3A or Klyne 6L
I owned the AI M3A for around two years. I never had a problem with the stock Sovteks or a pair of NOS Tungsram. What I didn't like was the high gain and stepped attenuators. Too much tweaking involved. The sound with good vinyl was amazing though... 
how much would you say a good set up cost
The "room" should always be figured into the system cost (unless you're talking headphones). For most of us it's difficult to have a whole room devoted to audio which is kind of what you need. From my experience most speakers need to be pulled at ... 
Holographic imaging
The best holographic imaging I've experienced is through a Vac Avatar driving B&W speakers. There's something about cone based speakers and tubes that deliver a full sonic image that literally dances in front of you. I'm not sure I would alway... 
Affordable High Watt Tube Amp Wanted
You're always going to get a biased answer to an audiophile, equipment based question. Having owned both a Chinese amp (Jolida) and a American made amp (VTL) I can tell you that the $400 price difference (based on used prices) is worth it. I think... 
Affordable High Watt Tube Amp Wanted
Well if you're that broke then I would just stick with what you have. It sounds like you pretty much know what's out there for $500 or less. I just mentioned the VTL because it delivers a lot more sound for the money than other budget amps. 
Affordable High Watt Tube Amp Wanted
Save your pennies and try to find a VTL ST-80 or 85 for $800+. I own a ST-85 and it sounds more powerful (better bass, plays louder before compressing the sound stage) than a Jolida 302b. It also has that mid-range magic that most other sub-$1K tu... 
Integrated Tube Amplifier for First Timer?
There's still a used VTL IT-85 available here on audiogon. It's a steal at what the guy's asking for it plus it's got remote control. I really like VTL gear. Their house sound is warm and full bodied but not syrupy. Lots of bass for a tube amp als...