
Responses from matias1979

Sensitivity wilson sophia 2 vs 3 ?
@riley804 i see you can't help at all with these speakers..thank you  
Sensitivity wilson sophia 2 vs 3 ?
@riley804 if you read my fisrt post you can see the manual info of sensitivity... My doubt is that I read that many say that sophia 3 (87db) is more sensitive than 2 (89db) but not in the manuals  
Sensitivity wilson sophia 2 vs 3 ?
answers in manuals ? 😂 thank you Stereo👍  
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
McIntosh MC275VI vs Rogue Audio Stereo 100
rogue! more refined, more open, and works cooler  
Tube Rolling for Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2
hi! any recommendation for the center 12au7 cmiii ?. I have these options at a near supply.    
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
Hi ! finally received my Cronus M iii. I love it. delicious and meaty mids. the first hours I heard a little humm noise, it was just the central valve 12AU7 (stock jj). I have had many amps in my life. mc275 V, mc275VI, Mc452, Pass Labs, Krell,... 
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
@avanti1960  Thank you, This helps me. I see the brand is good in "tube amps". I still say that I really liked what I heard with the Wharfedale Linton + Pharaoh 1.. From Rogue (Pharaoh 1 vs 2) :  Hi Matias, The Pharaoh II is based on the new Hy... 
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
@ronrags  thank you  
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
im seeing pharaoh. I see differences, a black transformer cover and different capacitors. The second picture is pharaoh 1 or 2 ? on the front  only say "rogue audio" and on the back "Pharaoh"  
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
@larry5729 ok , my question is about amplification. Not about the speakers.  
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?
I listened to the pharaoh and I really liked it a lot, maybe just a little cold, but I guess because of the original tubes. I have never heard the magnum but I read very good comments. I decided to blindly buy it for my jbl even though I was left ...