
Responses from maxima95

Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
randy -  your clever, well thought out retorts have really put us in our places.  One further suggestion though.....You should change your name in the forum to "Mr. Potato Head." 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
randy-11 - I think it is great that you have a tuber preamp.Does it run on potatoes ? 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
tommylion and ozzy,Thank you for responding. 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Has anyone tried the CT AES/EBU cable or compared it with something else?I have the CT RCA SPDIF cable and need an AES/EBU cable.Thanks for any ideas.  Sorry if this has already been addressed in the thread. 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
randy-11  Make like a tree and leave.  Go away and don't come back. 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Yes.For several years I have lifted all cabling a 6-9 inches off of carpet/rugs.  I used wood scraps/paint to make decent looking lifters. I never tried the porcelain or other esoteric lifters. 
Duelund DCA16GA
I have tried bare vs. connectors of varying types with WE and Duelund 16GA  (haven't tried 12 GA yet).I prefer bare.  There is a purity to the sound that I like.  Various connectors flavored the sound, making things different, but not necessarily ... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
"... Enjoy those Cerious and High Fidelity cables - I'm sure they'll be pleased to have you as a customer. Happy listening. ""... Enjoy the Cerious and High Fidelity cables buddy... "bumperdoo -  If the company felt that cancelling Ozzy's order wa... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
" I knew a guy once, you'd be at a bar with a group of people and someone would shout out, "Next round is on me!" and he'd say, "Too bad the beer isn't cold enough..." More to the point: I knew a guy once, you'd be at a bar with a group of peopl... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
"Wanted to try out so i finally did. I will keep my former cables (TelluriumQ SD) which are quite much better. These CT cables are good cables for sure - got lots of details, but generaly lacked PRaT, so took away some of the vitality and musica... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
aniwolfe - These excerpts from 2 of your posts convey diametrically opposite points:    04-28-2017 11:14am "... I know how to break in cables by the way. I never touched the SC’s. Please don’t assume ... "    04-27-2017 11:40pm  "Bob rated my r... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
"... As for the anger with my comment/questions.I did not and am not attacking the person. I referred to veryspecific comments about the use of graphene in certain products. ..." Nice try ptss.  Your attempt at rationalization does not square wit... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Uh, oh, I'm getting a bad feeling again. Did someone forget to put the Roach Motels out last night? You should be thankful they were not put out.Ozzy - This thread has already taken a bad turn.  Instead of posting on experiences with or asking ... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
"rgrostAnyone trying to contact me I am away at a Funeral and will return Monday. I will respond to the trolls when I get back. Perhaps you can revel in my loss until then...Photons for God’s Sake... ""geoffkaitNice comeback. One assumes you’ll ne... 
"But -- for example -- if the conductors are not a gold-silver alloy but actually just standard copper wire stock, I think that could be called a scam. Likewise if they purposefully misrepresented subjective qualitative claims that would also be a...