
Responses from maxima95

Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
yesiamjohn 's posts here and elsewhere indicate that he is thread polluter and best ignored.  
Synergistic Research Fuses vs cheaper ceramic fuses
hilde45 - @ebm has an amazing gift.  He knows what other people will hear in their systems before they hear it. 
CD Transport Repair
dne Thank you for the recommenation(s).  I prefer AES/EBU from transport to DAC and I have a decent AES cable.  Otherwise I would have tried the Audiolab.And yes, I will certainly do a cost/benefit analysis in getting it repaired.  However, it is ... 
GR Research Power Cables
abdodson How is the soundstage after more run in time?Thanks 
GR Research Power Cables
Yes; I was finally able to see what you were referring to.   
GR Research Power Cables
The Furutech FI-11 (Cu) connectors have the words  "FURUTECH High Performance Power Connector FI-11 (Cu)" written on the black band.The connectors shown on his site do not have any of those words on the black band.  While apparently not Furutech,... 
CD Transport Repair
georgehifi - The transport is a Pro-ject CD Box RS. I have both the upgraded power supply (Power Box Uni 1-Way) and DC cable for it as well.  
CD Transport Repair
Thank you for responding.When loaded the disc just spun and was not read. It would not stop spinning unless the power was turned off.I am not going to attempt to diagnose or repair this transport myself.Does anyone know of a competent repair shop ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Thank you wig.  I forgot about the SM double aspect. 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
wig - Let me be sure I understand this iteration:1 - 12 ga solid Neotech OCC/PTFE for the Live (inside the helix)1 - 12 ga solid Neotech OCC/PTFE for the Neutral part of the helix1 - 12 ga copper wire for the Ground part of the helix.Sorry if I go... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
t_rameyThanks very much for the information. 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
t_rameyWhat connectors did you use for the power cords?Thanks. 
Audio envy - dang!
The Mega 3 is not a new power cord.  Clearly not on the site though.  
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Steve, Not meaning to split hairs, the ICE module referred to is the 1200AS  (or 1200AS2 if a stereo amp).  I'm sure they are configured the same way.As far as you are aware, is this compatibility concern related to the speaker cable only?Thanks  
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
bassilusI too would be interested in any experiences with the helix recipe for a dc cable.My PSU is 20V / 3A max.Unfortunately, I have to use 2 mini female 3-pin xlr connectors, which limits the size of the cabling to some extent.