

Responses from maxwave

Experience with Lumin L2?
I am also interested on Lumin L2  comments.    Is it a bit over priced for a server only ? Any other ´´ server only ´´  on the market.     I haven’t found any .  
Surround Theater Speakers Suggestions
AVSForum also  
DAC Recommendations In 4k Range Used
Merason DAC 1 Converter Can be upgraded to Merason DAC mk2 Price is over 4000$ . I do not know , what ´´ Converter ´´ means though. https://almaaudio.com/products/merason-dac1-converter-previously-owned    
Speaker for 11x12 room
 Big glass door may produce a lot of high frequency reflections The  speakers would be better placed , imo , on the 2.6m wall.     Diffusion panels on that wall . That also depends on the kind of piano  : upright piano or grand piano ? What abo... 
Speaker for 11x12 room
If your piano is black anf if @soix  agree ( tubes ) Fyne F502  2500$ USD https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/650053822-fyne-audio-f502-speakers/    
Speaker for 11x12 room
@jeffreyw  +1 Your electronic gears on the piano with vibration control. KEF LS50 Meta  on each side of the piano ( color matchs the piano ) In the futur , KEF KC62  subwoofer  
A great interconnect between Soulution 751 and 725
Siltech and Crystal cables are in the same league , I guess https://crystalcable.com/    
A great interconnect between Soulution 751 and 725
How much is the total price of those two units ? 2K $   is not much for these highend gears. I have once owned Soulution INT 330       The high frequencies were a bit strong with AMT tweeter.     Depend on your speakers . ´´ warm ´´ cables would ... 
Turn table . Price/Quality for 13000£ ?
@lewm  Thanks Multi  layers    glued plywood  and vibrations .      Any good ? Would a solid   wood block , better ?   So , if  sound quality is the primary goal  ; it is better to put the same amount of money on a ´´ comercial ´´ brand . And ... 
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k
If you can extend   DAC  Phono  Tubes https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/650045681-vinnie-rossi-l2i-se-hybrid-int-amp-silver/    
Music server vs. external hard drive to DAC
@carlsbad2 As much as I know, Lumin L2 is a server. It must be connected to a DAC or a DAC streamer. I have other motivations in life than highjacking this thread  
Music server vs. external hard drive to DAC
I stream from Qobuz , high resolution .     I am not that exited by the sound quality .  
Music server vs. external hard drive to DAC
I am looking for a server only. Not a server with streaming feature I already have a LuminX1 for that.(DAC/Streamer ) Lumin L2 is the solution . But very expensive.( Too much , according to some ) Why Lumin , would have launched this server , if ... 
NAD M-33 or Hegel H190
@aldermine  Yamaha  R-N2000A    ? 2 sets of speakers       Streaming             4000$    
Supertweeters Work
@antigrunge2  Thanks.   At 91.5 db  ,  the level of the super tweeter should be high .