Responses from mazian
How much is about the recording @bigtwin +1 | |
Primaluna or not Primaluna @holmz Primarily I wanted the latest Sparkos op amp and Alan would not do that. Also the Nord has several options and op amps can be interchangeable to suit. I went with the Sparkos and dual Purifi. With March you get what Alan wants to give you ... | |
Primaluna or not Primaluna I mentioned previously that I needed an amp I could lift so I recently bought a Nord Class D with dual Purifi and Sparkos Op amps. Shipped from the UK to Australia the landed cost was A$ 3000approx, well within your budget. I have approx 50 hours ... | |
Primaluna or not Primaluna I have an EAR 534 which meets all of your criteria and then some and it is way superior to the made in China Primaluna. A used one should be in your price range, if you can find one. I'm selling mine reluctantly, as I need one I can lift at my adv... | |
Viva Tubes I've bought several tubes from Viva with no problem but no idea what they are like to deal with if there is a problem. | |
Cables to settle brightness 2nd Cardas | |
binding posts Excuse my ignorance but what is a line level crossover? | |
binding posts @audioman58 If I'm bi wiring or bi amping why would I want jumper leads? | |
EAR 834 line stage I don't know anything about the preamp but I have the EAR 534 power amp. It sounds marvellous, is built like a tank and punches $$$ above its weight, which is considerable. Also, when I wanted info on the tubes EAR responded with the information i... | |
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp My favourites are NOS Mullards or Telefunkens. | |
Magnepan .7 Alternatives @flasd You didn't mention what kind of music you listen to. If it's heavy rock forget Maggies or Sonus Faber for that matter. If you don't play rock I can only think the speakers are emphasising poorly recorded material or as has been mentioned y... | |
What’s your latest high-end audio purchase? Nord Purifi Class D amplifier. Still being built but should have it mid October. I don't expect it to exceed the SQ of my Rogue Stereo 90 or EAR/Yoshino 534 but hopefully it will at least get close and I'll be able to lift it without the danger of... | |
Its not vinyl @jasonbourne52 +1 | |
VTV Amplifier @oldhvymec Which Nord amp did you get and what do you think of the SQ? | |
Buckeye amps @holmz Regrettably I have a heavy cold and in deference to other attendees I won't be attending Alan March's presentation today. I have tried repeatedly to phone,. message, email Alan since Friday morning but he has not responded. Very disappointi... |