Responses from mbmi
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range PS. The $11K Borresen X-3's have the same tweeter as their $500,000 speakers have....'nuff said. | |
Class D, "Control (Variable Gain)," Amplifier versus Class A/B Separates? That's correct and Ralph makes some of them..Gato is good...Aavik is best but expensive. | |
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range You are absolutely correct in considering the Borresen X-3's....They are a $25K speaker you can buy for $11K....I spent 3 hrs. last night in total amazement. They make old cd's that I haven't listened to in years, alive and exciting. Details I nev... | |
Transport Recommendations CEC all the way....Belt drive...It looks like a little turntable...Japanese CEC TL-5....with my Aavik / Borresen 35K rig...Awsome piece. | |
Best Covers Heartbreak Hotel..........Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart.....WOW! | |
Borresen Loudspeakers I also worked in a record store before cd's....Best days man....I love audiophilia...between work and this hobby...I'm lovin' life....MUSIC IS LIFE !!!! | |
Borresen Loudspeakers Ain't this a terrible hobby to get addicted to ! | |
Borresen Loudspeakers @riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook OMG....I’m going on Audiogon today and I’m buyin’ 4 more pair just so I can claim back the title and lay waste to the competition.....there’s always a wise guy! LOL.....now YOU name what you got! | |
Borresen Loudspeakers @gandalf .... Heresy IV's...Dahlquist 905's....Triangle Celius ES....JBL Studio 590 (great Rock speaker)....JBL Studio 390 (small tower)...Caintuck open baffle w/ LII-15 drivers...Jensen C-1's....Quad 21-L's....Alon ( Nola) Lotus Elite.....Mirage ... | |
Borresen Loudspeakers Aavik has a new integrated. amp (Axess) @ $5,500 that matches up nicely with the X series speakers....That's the one they use at shows. The X series is not dry...but...It's not big , fat and thumpy either. It's the first speaker that really gets m... | |
Borresen Loudspeakers haha...the X-3's are the Liveliest speaker I've heard in years and I own them....I'm very familiar with the Qualio's and I like them a lot BUT They are definitely more laid back...The Borresens tell it like it is. | |
Sub $2,000 Integrated Amp Recommendations Best Bet....Audiophile Integrated...Mint pre-owned .BELLES ARIA....$1600 Look it up. Very Musical with bass punch...beautiful natural vocals and brilliant highs...never harsh. | |
Borresen Loudspeakers Well said.....Some of these posters are just plain ignorant and just trying to put down items that they know nothing about and never experienced. They start to get a reputation on AG for poo-pooing everything that's exciting for the rest of us. Th... | |
Borresen Loudspeakers E139: Børresen’s Astounding X3 Loudspeaker (youtube.com) everyone: please listen to this. Thank you. This explains why the Borresens sound is unique. | |
Borresen Loudspeakers haha....no, not for me thank you......When I go to a concert.....the music is not coming from behind me. Good luck to you. I spent the entire evening last night listening to my X-3's....I can't believe how "realistic" to the actual music these spe... |