

Responses from mbmi

Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range
PS. The $11K Borresen X-3's have the same tweeter as their $500,000 speakers have....'nuff said.  
Class D, "Control (Variable Gain)," Amplifier versus Class A/B Separates?
That's correct and Ralph makes some of them..Gato is good...Aavik is best but expensive.  
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range
You are absolutely correct in considering the Borresen X-3's....They are a $25K speaker you can buy for $11K....I spent 3 hrs. last night in total amazement. They make old cd's that I haven't listened to in years, alive and exciting. Details I nev... 
Transport Recommendations
CEC all the way....Belt drive...It looks like a little turntable...Japanese     CEC TL-5....with my Aavik / Borresen 35K rig...Awsome piece.  
Best Covers
Heartbreak Hotel..........Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart.....WOW!  
Borresen Loudspeakers
I also worked in a record store before cd's....Best days man....I love audiophilia...between work and this hobby...I'm lovin' life....MUSIC IS LIFE !!!!  
Borresen Loudspeakers
Ain't this a terrible hobby to get addicted to !  
Borresen Loudspeakers
  @riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook OMG....I’m going on Audiogon today and I’m buyin’ 4 more pair just so I can claim back the title and lay waste to the competition.....there’s always a wise guy! LOL.....now YOU name what you got!  
Borresen Loudspeakers
@gandalf .... Heresy IV's...Dahlquist 905's....Triangle Celius ES....JBL Studio 590 (great Rock speaker)....JBL Studio 390 (small tower)...Caintuck open baffle w/ LII-15 drivers...Jensen C-1's....Quad 21-L's....Alon ( Nola) Lotus Elite.....Mirage ... 
Borresen Loudspeakers
Aavik has a new integrated. amp (Axess) @ $5,500 that matches up nicely with the X series speakers....That's the one they use at shows. The X series is not dry...but...It's not big , fat and thumpy either. It's the first speaker that really gets m... 
Borresen Loudspeakers
haha...the X-3's are the Liveliest speaker I've heard in years and I own them....I'm very familiar with the Qualio's and I like them a lot BUT They are definitely more laid back...The Borresens tell it like it is.  
Sub $2,000 Integrated Amp Recommendations
Best Bet....Audiophile Integrated...Mint pre-owned .BELLES ARIA....$1600 Look it up. Very Musical with bass punch...beautiful natural vocals and brilliant highs...never harsh.  
Borresen Loudspeakers
Well said.....Some of these posters are just plain ignorant and just trying to put down items that they know nothing about and never experienced. They start to get a reputation on AG for poo-pooing everything that's exciting for the rest of us. Th... 
Borresen Loudspeakers
E139: Børresen’s Astounding X3 Loudspeaker (youtube.com)    everyone: please listen to this.  Thank you. This explains why the Borresens sound is unique.  
Borresen Loudspeakers
haha....no, not for me thank you......When I go to a concert.....the music is not coming from behind me. Good luck to you. I spent the entire evening last night listening to my X-3's....I can't believe how "realistic" to the actual music these spe...