Responses from mceljo
Inexpensive All-In-One Solutions Believe it or not, there is more to equipment for some people than it's musical ability. In this case, it would be completely about looks and price. Right now it looks like the Goodwill electronics section overflowed onto their shelf. I would say ... | |
Upgrade my CD player or buy a DAC? I think that most would agree that the DAC has a more significant impact on sound quality than does a transport, especially at your price point.Test 1: Connect your CD player in parallel through the DAC and directly to the system for an A/B compar... | |
Ear Buds? Any good recommendations under $100? Yahoo Shopping is a good place to look. | |
Ear Buds? Any good recommendations under $100? I have the Sennheiser 300i that was previously and can be found for a great price online a lot. My wife has the nose and they are great as well. Also consider the entry level grad. | |
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time Dpay - Do you really believe that anyone can make an objective comparison between what any piece of equipment sounded like 200 hours ago? I believe that just about all systems on this forum sound excellent and if there's any change that results fr... | |
Digital Source Comparison - An audible difference? Al,On a somewhat related question to the information in the links. Do you think jitter is a significant contributer to the difference in sound that I get between my Onkyo iPod dock and Ethernet connected Pandora Radio? The other obvious factor is ... | |
The best speaker you ever heard? I heard some Focal Utopia Stella EM speakers a few weeks ago and I can't say that I've heard anything that I liked better. I've heard the Utopia Diablo and Grande models in the past and they are all excellent. | |
Speakers to pair with Integra 40.3 I've never listened to a PS3 side by side with anything else so I don't really know. Sadly, the new PS3s don't do SACD like the old ones.If you're planning to sit between the main channels for movies then just skip the center all together. I don't... | |
Speakers to pair with Integra 40.3 You won't drive 50 miles for a $4,000 purchase?A friend of mine has the 40.2 and I have a 50.1. I think they are solid products.I prefer Focal speakers but only have a 4.1 setup. I'd stick with the ASW600 subwoofer because it should perform as wel... | |
Digital Source Comparison - An audible difference? Al,I passed the two main links along to an EE friend of mine that's my sounding board for all things electrical. Here's part of his response."Those are the first articles you've sent me where I completely agree with everything written. This guy is... | |
Pairing Speakers with Integra 40.3 for HT and Rock I think it would take a significant investment to best what you have. I prefer Focal speakers, but your B&Ws should be just fine. Try them with the Integra with an open mind before planning to get rid of them. | |
Grill Cloth Subwoofer Cover If you had my sub the fern would fall off on it's own. I think the fact that she didn't blindly cover the amp and actually purchased materials from an actual audio source, I'd say she did very well. I doubt the difference in sound is as much a rea... | |
Romantic Trombone Concertos It's more music from, or similar to, the romantic period and not romantic in the cupid sense. I was confused by this as well until my wife clued me in.In reality, the trombone is a very smooth instrument so I think it could actually do quite well ... | |
Digital Source Comparison - An audible difference? Al - I can understand the concept of reflections in a digial cable, but is there concrete evidence that these reflections will actually cause an error in the transmitted data? Can the reflections actually cause the "pulses" to be outside of the ac... | |
Martin Logan Dynamo 1000/ SWT-1 Wireless The wireless unit just plugs into the subwoofer pre-out so I suspect it would pass any signal from any pre-out. I think you're golden. |