
Responses from mdiaz

Streamer Advice
I highly recommend the PSAUDIO AIRLENS...    
From Sonus Faber Extrema to...
I owned a pair of Extremas a while back and made the mistake of selling them. Really think hard about getting rid of the, They are spectacular speakers!  
Help me find my ideal Stereo Integrated Amp
You should look at the PS Audio Stellar Strata MkII. It's $3500 and fills all your requirements. At this time they have a sale going on which includes their Airlens streamer, a $2000 item, included for free. 
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
I would seriously look at the PS Audio Aspen FR5 speakers. I dont think they have much competition at their price range,  
Bookshelf speaker recommendations
I recommend you look into the PS Audio Aspen FR5 speakers, A lot of very good reviews.  
Seeking Bookshelf Recommendations
I would seriously consider the PS AUDIO FR5. They have gotten excellent reviews.  
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k
For those familiar with Sonus Faber
I had a pair of the original Extrema's and they were MAGNIFICENT!!!  
Worst Speakers Ever??
Just have one word.... BOSE  
Advice needed: It's time for a new DAC
I highly recommend the PS AUDIO Directstream DAC MkII. You can hear Beautiful music through it.. Enough said...  
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
I am using a pair of PS Audio Stellar M1200 monoblocks, which are Class D, and that replaced a much more expensive A/B amp. The sound they are giving me  from my Magnepan 1.7i’s is absolutely gorgeous. I’ve been into high end audio for 30 year... 
Thanks to Paul McGowan
I had a PS Audio BHK 250 and did not like the way it performed with my Magnepan 1.7i speakers. I traded it in for the M1200's. WOW, what a difference! These amplifiers are amazing and they make my Maggies sing! Highly recommended!!!  
PS Audio Direct Stream MK2 DAC
Zero hum on my MkII...  
What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?
Merlin Music Systems VSM...  
Class D Amplification Announcement
I was not a believer in Class D amps and decided to take a chance on PS Audio's Stellar M1200 monoblocks. They make my Magnepan 1.7i's SING!!! Amazing amps at a reasonble price. 1200 watts into 4 ohms....