Responses from melm
Have New L.K.S. HM-DA9038 with Oppo95 won't play SACD's, HDMI input on DAC is for 12S data @mahler123,The Briston costs about $2000 more than the LKS, Not to mention an extra $250 for its remote control. Really! The LKS has a much more robust power supply and a fully discrete balanced analog section. Comes with a remote. I guess on... | |
Have New L.K.S. HM-DA9038 with Oppo95 won't play SACD's, HDMI input on DAC is for 12S data Couple of things. There are people that will mod anything, and the spacious layout of the LKS just feeds that hobby. Yet in its un-modded form it has been compared to the very best and the very expensive. The mods being done are quite sophisticate... | |
Have New L.K.S. HM-DA9038 with Oppo95 won't play SACD's, HDMI input on DAC is for 12S data @dhollywood,I’m the OP on the original LKS thread. Yes the "hdmi" input on the LKS is NOT what we usually think of as hdmi. It is an i2s input. It will not properly receive an ordinary hdmi signal.The problem with playing SACDs is NOT with the LKS... | |
Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge inconstantcy @ebm$800 for a stylus scale? How nuts do you think we are? | |
Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge inconstantcy What you purchased looks like a re-branded cheap scale that is sold all over ebay for under $10. If it is giving you inconsistent readings, toss it and look for something better. Lots of suggestions here. I use a "MY Weigh" scale. It is not a ... | |
VPI counterweight There are those who believe that a heavier weight placed closer to the pivot improves performance. When you finally see your set-up, you might consult with VPI (or their forum) for a suggestion. | |
Digital Microscope advice SRA I agree with @lewm Even those who tout the microscope method agree it "might" get you into the ball park, but final setting is always by ear.My own $.02:Find a recording that people say is good for hearing the differences when you adjust SRA. Do a... | |
Phono Protractor. Recommendations? $20 | |
jRiver id for FLAC storage and playback? Confusion in your question. First you say USB to DAC. I assume you mean computer to DAC through USB. Then you say SHORT of connecting computer to DAC. Presumably JRiver is on your computer. It an be controlled by your phone using Gizmo, JRive... | |
Rythmik L12 or F12 You can’t go wrong with a Rythmik sub. FWIW, I’ve been using an L12 for a few years. A single one in a relatively small environment and I’m quite happy with it. It’s a quality sound used here principally for classical music and some pop, not theat... | |
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC? An unanswerable question.The LKS has two 50 watt toroidal transformers. One is for the digital circuits; one for the analog circuits. The Holospring appears to have one transformer about that size (Is it, in fact?) and one quite a bit smaller.Wh... | |
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? @chakster Mr. Carr sells cartridges and retips. He sells HIS cartridges and retips. SoundSmith is a competitor. They sell cartridges and retips of their cartridges and other people’s cartridges, including those of Carr.Peter Ledermann, the proprie... | |
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? @chakster Aside from the retip, which is usually a replacement, i don't really understand what is meant by "full support from the manufacturer in Japan." Given that the cartridge is in good shape upon receipt I have never seen anything go wrong w... | |
Wireless to Ethernet Adapter for DAC FWIW I was using a portable hard disk into a lap-top and then USB out to a very fine DAC. I decided to get a NAS and the files were transferred and I then used wi-fi between the NAS and lap-top. The SQ suffered. I finally bit the bullet and dril... | |
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? Most people in the US, I think, buy gray market and a retip deal through AT is not available to them. If you buy through local authorized dealer you can inquire there. In the US, the dealer is LP Gear.The cartridge is more widely distributed thr... |