
Discussions mesch has started

Pathos Classic One MKiII vs. my separates1394621
Looking for an inexpensive Blue ray player390224
An amplifier for a volume controlled DAC15420
Up grading a MHDT Paradisea+ DAC47865
Output threshold using a Dynaco ST-70 amplifier with passive pre.42437
Any experience with the Infinity Primus P363? 19141
CD players that make for a great transport2257237
8-16 ohm budget speakers400121
Replacing a MAC Mini with new one...548724
Short cables for Preout/main in and passive use24588
Docking station for an iphone281315
Need small size speakers for fireplace.496135
Tube for MHDT Labs Paradisea+ DAC480312
Tubes from Carver SD/A-490t CD player71184
Looking for a USB Headphone amplifier265811