Responses from mijknarf
hide equipment I build custom furniture for a hobby, I've used this product, it works well. It may be what you're looking for: http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=2264&filter=23320 | |
Columbus/Central Ohio Salem is about 25 minutes from me. I'd be happy to split the hosting duties with Chad if that works for everyone. Merry Christmas to all! | |
Columbus/Central Ohio I'm up the road from you about 3 hours in Youngstown. I'd like to be involved. My son was just accepted to Ohio State, he starts there next fall, I'll be visiting fairly often at that time. Let me know the next steps. | |
Top Five for 2005 I'm posting a second time here, this time for my top 5 Jazz finds this year. Each one of these really shines on my system:1. (Female Vocals): Dianne Reeves - "Good Night, and Good Luck"2. (Smooth Jazz): Kirk Whalum - "Babyface Songbook" 3. (Jazz):... | |
tube amps or amps between $1000 and $2000 I'll third the AES Sixpacs. I really can't find anything they don't do well (in my system). In addition to overall sound quality they are solidly built, have great packaging, great service/support provided by Cary/AES. Note: I am not familiar with... | |
Good MONO recordings I have a Stanley Getz CD that is an outstanding mono recording. One of my favorites to kick back to: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000046ZJ/qid=1134573485/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/104-6139871-4541512?v=glance&s=music | |
Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ? I second Green Mountain. Their designer, Roy Johnson is truly one of the great guys in Audio. They just sound right, I've owned many other "famous" brands of speakers and I still can't believe what my Callisto monitors can do. | |
Best Guitar CD Recording You can check out the many Windham Hill Guitar offerings. They have many acoustic selections, I own several and recommend them. Just do a "Windham Hill Guitar" search on Amazon and you can choose. You can also p/u some nice guitar work by Joe Pass... | |
Speaker stands for Reference 3A De Capo i You have many good options already above, I'll add one more, I use a little known stand that I'm thrilled with. They're very solid/heavy cast iron top/bottom plate, well made and reasonably priced. http://www.ohiovalleyaudio.com/classic_toys_007.htm | |
Top Five for 2005 Good post Kana, I usually find some good stuff from these threads each year. My list:1. Mark Knopfler - "Shangri-La" 2. Kelly Joe Phelps - "Shine Eyed Mister Zen"3. Amos Lee - (Self titled)4. Jackson Browne - "Solo Acoustic Vol.1"5. Sara Gazarek -... | |
Source for low cost redbook CDs In addition to the site you already use, the three sources for discounted CDs I use are:1. http://www.amazon.com for used CDs or orders over $25 on new Cds have free ship.2. http://www.deepdiscountcd.com offers reasonably low prices on a wide vari... | |
Help me pick the right monitor You want a quiet cabinet and good "monitor bass" with detail and transarency... please consider Green Mountain Audio Callistos. They list just above your price point new, but I'm sure something can be worked out to get you close. You'll find that ... | |
$2500 CD player with digital input and volume cont I moved from a Jolida JD100 to the RA Opus 21 over a year ago and I'm not looking back. The Jolida was a nice player in my system, but after A/B comparisons in my livingroom with both players, I chose the Opus based on clarity and features. $2500 ... | |
Any bluegrass fans? I picked up the new CD from the Greencards. I'm not crazy about the female lead's voice, but overall well recorded with talented instrumentals, not a bad disc. | |
A blood oath among Audiogonistas How could you not like this site! |