

Responses from mikedimitrov

Jaybo,is there any good cd version of this album? 
Any Zorn fans?
ZORN with Masada live is an awesome experience!!!! 
the SHM CD Experience
I found out ,that I can only hear difference in accoustical moments ,not in hard rock pieces like LZ,Deep Purple etc.Supertramp,Dire Straits and others SHM editions like that were better sounding then same remaster on regular cd. 
Leben CS600 or Almarro a318 for Tannoy TD12?
Now I have Tannoy Canterbury and search for amp really starting.My adepts now are Mastersound 845 monoblocks2.Almarro monoblocks-i heard these and thea are veeery good3.Almarro A50125 125w4.Audiomat Opera5.Mastersound 845 int.amp6.McIntosh MC2000 ... 
Tannoy TD12 vs Tannoy Glenair 15
Bingo!Now I am proud owner of Canterbury.I can't believe how much better they are then TD12. 
Best power conditioner?
Audience AR12 
Usher cp-8511 or Proac D80 or Spendor sp100r
I have heard HL5 and I was stunned,never heard anything like this.It was on hifi show in Prague this year.Unfortunately I only heard some accoustical guitar recording which was amazing,details,soundstage and depth.I don't know how it performs with... 
Amp for Tannoy TD12?
I heard Audio Research D400 in my room and wow there was huge improvment in bass.All of trhe sudden it came out like i never heard it before.It was huge,I was now thinking maybee too much for some music.For music in 70' was gorgeous though.But it ... 
Leben CS600 or Almarro a318 for Tannoy TD12?
I tried Leben 600 and did not have enough power for Tannoy TD12.Next week I am going to receive Audia 50 with 50w in A.Let's what happens. 
Tannoy TD12 vs Tannoy Glenair 15
Is Cantenbury also horn loaded speaker? 
Leben CS600 or Almarro a318 for Tannoy TD12?
Leben has more power.Today Leben is coming for audition.So I canĀ“t wait till I hear,one more hour.Right now I am auditioning Audio Research SP15 and D400 and it is soo much fun.Now I am reaaly wondering what I wll like better.D400 has 200w to 8ohm... 
ATC active or Tannoy TD12?
Tied Atc t16 active and sold it with big loss,it was unlistanable when you compare it with Tannoy Td12.Maybee bigger models like ATC 50 active could be more fair to compare.I was really disappointed with that sound. 
Speaker Choice for Almarro 318B
WLM austrian company using this amp with their range of speakers as a best choice along Red Wine audio amp 30.2.I just heard both amps on hifi show in Prague today and spent most time in their room.No headaches like in other rooms,no fatique. 
Amp for Naim line?
My Nac82 suppose to be better then 52 due to some expensive mods from Whest Audio.Si I have the oldest NAP250(chrome bumper),that's why I feel to upgrade it.Which would be better 135's for a value? 
ATC active or Tannoy TD12?
Thanks Shadorne.I only want to get worthy improvment.I am curently integrated powerfull Revel B15 to the system and it was huge improvment alongside adding Whest modified Naim NAC82,Supercap.Now sounding very good,I am still thinking that my old N...