Responses from mikey8811
Uptone EtherRegen @discopants your reading of the comparison on WBF is wrong:"(some guys in Hong Kong have done some listening tests and they prefer 2 SoTM fully loaded switches in sequence as a reference hifi switch but the cost of that is about 5 times more than ... | |
Network Switches @thyname thanks for the feedback. I read other reviews and there are some folk who find the ER causing a loss of body and warmth and sounding too smooth and clean. If that is the case, I don't think it will work for my tastes. That is the impressi... | |
Network Switches @thyname have you tried removing your Sonore Optical Module upstream and just running the ER via ethernet? | |
Network Switches @thyname I am unsure if that will work for me as my optical modules are not Gigabit but only 100 Mbps.From what I have read I believe switches like these and the SOtM one need a Gigabit connection.The reason I asked is because I was under the impr... | |
Network Switches If I am using a pair of FMC’s ie. TP Link MC100CM’s at router and then a BJC CAT6 to a single source ie. an Aries streamer, does adding a switch somewhere to the chain make a difference? Or does going fibre with the FMC's already provide enough is... | |
Krell FPB 600 = to what new amp today. I don't think you will find anything with the bass slam of that Krell era - not even the current Krell's nor d'Agostino's. | |
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following All the Harbeth fans who have posted here are correct.Harbeths are all that. However, and this is a big one for me - they do not rock and do not have sufficient PRAT for Rock or Pop. | |
Aesthetix Atlas Compared to Pass Labs XA30.8 The Atlas has a solid state output stage that runs in AB I believe.It would have more grunt than the Pass Labs although I am uncertain if you are playing at lower levels.I have heard both and preferred the X series Pass Labs. I guess it depends on... | |
The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre? There are other detailed Pass and Ayre comparisons out here.Here is one where I added my 2 cents:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/passlabs-350-8-versus-ayre-mxr-twentyI think if you actually heard both, it's not difficult to tell the differe... | |
You've tried other amps and ended with Pass, please discuss @phd I would respectfully disagree about CJ solid state vs Pass. I presume you are referring to the old Premier 350.It is a different sound. CJ solid state is less ballsy than the higher wattage X 0.8 or XA 0.8 Pass. It is a good balance between t... | |
Cardas Power Cords / Furutech vs Cardas Terminations @readargos I didn't like the Golden Presence. It was kind of lean sounding.If you have some Golden Power you wish to sell, please let me know.Thanks | |
Cardas Power Cords / Furutech vs Cardas Terminations @readargos Cardas used to have the Golden Reference Power terminated with some other connectors before the Furutech ones.Have you tried those? | |
Speaker Height / Tilt @erik_squires so if the treble is currently excessive, which way do I tilt the speaker - away from my ears ie. up or towards my ears ie. down | |
... WHAT POWER CORD(S) ARE PLAYING IN YOU SYSTEM TODAY? @nglazer how does the Clear Beyond XL (or even Clear Beyond) compare to the Hurricane?I am using Clear Beyond now and a Direcstream DAC too but would like a fuller and warmer presentation.Thanks | |
Audioquest Dragon Powercord vs Hurricane @ozzy I believe you used to have Furutech DPS 4.1's with FI 50 terminations.How do they compare to the Hurricane?Are the Audio Bacon reviews of these accurate from your experience?He seems to suggest that the Hurricane is a warmer cable than the F... |