
Responses from minkwelder

RIP Merle Harggard
Merle was definitely one of the greats. My old band played almost exclusively blues and blues-oriented rock, but we also did his Working Man Blues. bdp24,Speaking of Okie from Muskogee, the Youngbloods remade his song as an answer song with new ly... 
record show experiences
czarivey,Why didn't I think of that? I have a little stack of MOFI's and other gems that I've been wanting to take to the shows.That would also help with another issue that crops up every once in awhile, and that's theft. There are just too many o... 
record show experiences
TZ:Like any business, the vendors at the record shows concentrate on the stuff that sells the most. Rock, blues  and pop are the mainstays, along with a little jazz. As for the audiophile stuff, Whart has a point about vendors preferring internet ... 
record show experiences
Paraneer:There is a 4th type. These are the guys who are looking for records to listen to, but aren't too particular about what condition that Pantera record is in. They suck my fitty-cent bin dry!Czarivey:At my last show in Cleveland, there was a... 
record show experiences
I am a record vendor, and I will agree that there is a wide range in the quality of records at the shows. I see no problem with that as long as they're priced according to their condition. Not everyone wants or needs a pristine Near Mint copy.On t... 
Why are record cleaners so expensive?
Simao,I also use the Spin-Clean, but I finish up with a KAB EV-1 to vacuum off the bath water. The EV-1 is basically the top portion of a Nitty Gritty record cleaner, and hooks up to your own vacuum cleaner. At $169, it's an economical alternative... 
bridged amp
I think what jl35 meant to say is that many bridged amps do NOT work with 4 ohm speakers even if they are compatible with 4 ohms in a stereo configuration. In other words, you may be limited to 8 ohm speakers. 
Transparent Preamplifier
I had the same experience running the C165 through the C275. Very one-dimensional sounding. I am currently using a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE with the C275, and it is a VERY good match. Very clear, nice, clean bass...it’s a winner! The W4S is a very uni... 
Does dry-brushing really do anything...
I quit using a dry brush quite a while back. I make sure that all records played on the table have had a complete cleaning. Another thing I do, and I believe it's probably a neglected chore for many of us, is to regularly clean the platter mat.I d... 
15A vs. 20A power cord questions
"As for the use of an isolated earth ground rod, that’s a no, no.The purpose of the safety equipment ground is to provide a low resistive path for ground fault current to return to the source. Mother earth is not a low resistive path. If the ea... 
The Beach Boys
213runnin,"Yes, you embrace abuse when you accept the fruit of the abuse".How do you explain this, then?:"Personally, I listen to music I enjoy, and don’t research artists for drug use".How is it that you're not accepting the "fruit of the abuse",... 
The Beach Boys
213runnin,It seems that you have drawn an arbitrary line in the sand. Do you personally refuse to listen to music produced by anyone who used drugs, or only those who have a public reputation as a drug abuser? When it comes to the Beach Boys' musi... 
The Beach Boys
"The fact that "Pet Sounds" is considered one of the greatest albums of all time leaves me speechless. I always considered their music a bit of a joke, good for background when you're in a beach bar in Southern California..."The above quote wou... 
Just how great is Elvis Costello
I also prefer Elvis's earlier stuff. While not as consistent as his first three albums, I would include "Get Happy" and "Trust" in my go-to EC selections.I began to lose interest in the "Imperial Bedroom", "Punch the Clock", and "Goodbye Cruel Wor... 
Just how great is Elvis Costello
I think Declan MacManus is every bit as good as EC!