
Responses from missioncoonery

Upgrading Pass Labs X2.5 to new XP-10 Preamp.
For me the Pass line in preamps had no attraction,until I heard the XP10..I say go for it..oh,IMO the 250.5 sounds better than the 350.5 but I own neither 
Parasound Halo JC2
OK,got it..IMO the 250.5 sounds better than the 350.5..Ive never owned JC1s but a couple friends have had build issues with them so that alone kept me away from any considerations..there are several Euro makers that I would think would be a better... 
Parasound Halo JC2
Just curious...Why didnt you buy a Pass amp..X250.5 would of been a better match w/existing pre amp you have,about same money ...IMO the Pass 250.5 out preforms the JC1s in everything including build/reliabilty 
If I like Sonus Faber speakers.. i would like...
IMO the C2 would be a better direction,,, the C4 even more so.SF is too laid back and doesnt have enough detail 4 me..saying that if you like the SF sound stay in their line,too much money to play around these days 
Mark Levinson 326S or Audio Research Ref 3 ?
My vote is AR ref3..although I dont own either,have listened to both..IMO ,Levinson products have never sounded musical so thats a no brainer 4 me 
Easy to drive large speakers for Rock & Roll?
IMO if your into loud rock get an older pair of JBLs,Altecs,Klipsch..all the named are really only good for that..loud kickin rock..when and if you mellow like I did you can move into speakers that offer other qualifications 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
Why would you want or waist your time trying to find a solid state pre that sounds like tube?...buy a tube preamp...but a quality one and forget about it... 
JBL Olympus C50 speakers
Ive had the C50s as well as well as vintage C37s/Altec valencias and several vintage Tannoys..All IMO cant even come close to the newer lines in all areas,again only my opinion..Listen and then move on 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
Of course everything has been said pro and con about the Wilson sound...IMO,all im saying is I feel that the sophia would be an easier sell when the time comes to move on than an outdated WP5.1 system...and for me I wouldnt be interested in either 
Martin logan vs. B&W
Jay..IMO..there are much better speakers at that price point..If you allow your ears to guide you im sure you will come to similar conclusions..cheers 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
IMO ..Although im not a fan at all of the Wilson sound,the Sophia has a better overall presentation than the WP..I also feel the sophia has better resale down the road.. That could be a buying point down the road when you move in another direction...