Responses from missioncoonery
Upgrading Pass Labs X2.5 to new XP-10 Preamp. For me the Pass line in preamps had no attraction,until I heard the XP10..I say go for it..oh,IMO the 250.5 sounds better than the 350.5 but I own neither | |
Parasound Halo JC2 OK,got it..IMO the 250.5 sounds better than the 350.5..Ive never owned JC1s but a couple friends have had build issues with them so that alone kept me away from any considerations..there are several Euro makers that I would think would be a better... | |
Parasound Halo JC2 Just curious...Why didnt you buy a Pass amp..X250.5 would of been a better match w/existing pre amp you have,about same money ...IMO the Pass 250.5 out preforms the JC1s in everything including build/reliabilty | |
If I like Sonus Faber speakers.. i would like... IMO the C2 would be a better direction,,, the C4 even more so.SF is too laid back and doesnt have enough detail 4 me..saying that if you like the SF sound stay in their line,too much money to play around these days | |
Mark Levinson 326S or Audio Research Ref 3 ? My vote is AR ref3..although I dont own either,have listened to both..IMO ,Levinson products have never sounded musical so thats a no brainer 4 me | |
Easy to drive large speakers for Rock & Roll? IMO if your into loud rock get an older pair of JBLs,Altecs,Klipsch..all the named are really only good for that..loud kickin rock..when and if you mellow like I did you can move into speakers that offer other qualifications | |
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp? Why would you want or waist your time trying to find a solid state pre that sounds like tube?...buy a tube preamp...but a quality one and forget about it... | |
JBL Olympus C50 speakers Ive had the C50s as well as well as vintage C37s/Altec valencias and several vintage Tannoys..All IMO cant even come close to the newer lines in all areas,again only my opinion..Listen and then move on | |
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or.. Of course everything has been said pro and con about the Wilson sound...IMO,all im saying is I feel that the sophia would be an easier sell when the time comes to move on than an outdated WP5.1 system...and for me I wouldnt be interested in either | |
Martin logan vs. B&W Jay..IMO..there are much better speakers at that price point..If you allow your ears to guide you im sure you will come to similar conclusions..cheers | |
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or.. IMO ..Although im not a fan at all of the Wilson sound,the Sophia has a better overall presentation than the WP..I also feel the sophia has better resale down the road.. That could be a buying point down the road when you move in another direction... |