

Discussions mitch4t has started

Dolo Coker14534
Lynne Arriale22308
Can You Rewind The Broadcast On A Bonehead Play?27545
U-Discover Mag Lists The 50 Greatest Jazz Albums484125
Why Do Musicians Still Need Record Companies?290921
Emotiva Tube Amplifiers Coming In February783719
Jazz In A Woody Allen Movie: "Fading Gigolo"352811
Dan D 'Agostino, Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel,1083134
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store48887192
Happy Birthday Lee Morgan18347
The End Of Big Iron?2783553
Player With A Killer Blu Ray Picture501912
Father's Day For An Audiophile509026
DSD and Femto Clocks The New Standard?41322
The End Of Out-Of-Print Music304514