
Responses from mlapenta

dont forget the receptacle in the wall.  I put in a dedicated 20amp circuit and the very highest end Furutech receptacle and it made a huge difference.    
Has it all been worth it?
The age old question.  For someone my age (68) i remember loving music comin out of little am radio back in the 60's.  However, I also LOVE hearing all these new high res versions of classics on my 35k rig.    To me, the quest was always worth it.... 
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days?
The original premise here was that all DAC's these days are "good".  Yes tech has come a long way to get much more bang for the buck on the low end of DAC's.  However, I still feel there are differences up the food chain.  For instance, I personal... 
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days?
I still go but only to smaller venues.  Prices at large venues like MSG in NYC are crazy and the sound sucks.  Richard Thompson was great in 2024 and BEAT doing crimson at the Beacon was one of the best shows in Years.  I pray they put out a live ... 
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Furutech NCF Clear Line AC Power Supply Optimizer  I already own a Furutech very high end wall outlet.  Adding this little device Did make a small difference.  Seemed to have help smooth out upper mid range.          
Recommendation Request: Headphone Amp/DAC combo
Thanks all for valued input.  I agree with soix in that, maybe it's me but i've never been that impressed with any Sabre DAC.   I currently have a Chord Qutest.  And a R2R Hifiman.    
New York Audio Show 2024
did it ever get rescheduled?  sad state of affairs   
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K
I would like to echo Golden Ears Triton 1R.  The built in amp for low notes is perfect for rock and the midrange and highs are still very sweet and natural   Like many good speakers, they will reflect quality of recording.  So bad shrill recording... 
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs?
I definitely believe you can hear the difference in DACs.  In a perfect world, absolute conversion is a goal.  However, some of these DACs sound to "clinical" which is why I believe many DAC makers do "color" their units a bit.  For instance, I ha... 
Tube Amp Repair
Thanks all for the help.  I wound up getting the unit to Vu Jade Audio in Boonton.  Peter and Karl were very responsive and obviously very knowledgeable.   I am expecting a easy fix as appears resister got fried.     
Tube Amp Repair
I will call VAS, I also called Bristol Electronics in HoHoKus who used to be a primaluna repair.   I checked fuse on autobias and it is ok, so i have a feeling it is a resister or something under the socket.   groan   btw, does anyone know who m... 
Tube Amp Repair
yes the piece was picked out, i do some some plastic residue did go down.  I just think smoke is not a good thing   ;-(    
When were the best tube amps made?
I second PrimaLuna.  My EVO300 integrated tube amp is wonderful when upgraded with Golden Lion KT66 tubes      
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
To each his own, power and cables etc everything does matter   I started this thread and still contend the expensive plug and dedicated 20amp circuit made a huge difference, not small huge.   Happy Holidays!  
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
Sorry i never responded to this thread that I believe i started.  I went with the very high end furutech outlet and ran it to a dedicated 20 amp circuit.   The gain was enormous.   I only have my “rig” and oiled tv on this outlet and circuit.  It ...