Responses from mm1tt77
Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender @efoo I currently have a Lumin U2 mini with an upgraded power supply. I have had the D2 and P1 as well. Also have owned an Aurilac G2 streamer. If you like the Lumin sonically, really hard to beat. They are dedicated to building streamers and... | |
Preamp vs DAC vs Streamer @signaforce you made a great decision. This will allow you to know the front end of your system can really deliver the goods. You can upgrade, tweak from there, maybe you won’t need to. Enjoy. | |
Streamer Comparison and Suggestions @mitch2 if you are looking at Lumin, I have had the Lumin D2, Lumin P1 and I now have a Lumin U2 Mini with an upgraded power supply, I went with an S-Booster. It doesn’t have to void the warranty, if anything requires warranty service you would h... | |
Upgraded from Node to 432-evo-aeon-music-server and its another world sonically @elliot16us I noticed you have Alta Audio speakers, wondering how you like them and if you considered the Alec’s. I have the Alec’s which are the 2 way version of the speakers you have. I love them, I have been curious how the Adam’s sound in com... | |
Hegel H390 DAC @markmuse the SBooster is a power supply upgrade. Upscale Audio and others carry them, easy upgrade and to my ears is well worth it. Many say the upgrade brings the mini pretty close to the U2. I had a D2 awhile back and found the SBooster was ... | |
Hegel H390 DAC @markmuse curious Mark on what Lumin streamer you are using with the MKii. I’m using a Lumin U2 mini with an SBooster. Also wondering if you have found one output / input that has sounded better with the pairing. I’ve been rolling with the AEs ... | |
Hegel H390 DAC T+A 200 though I have never heard it gets high, high marks from anyone that has any experience listening to one, great suggestion for the OP based on his criteria. Any experience with the Preamp section in the 200, wondering if it’s on par with t... | |
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice OP, you are getting a lot of great advice. Some a little contrary or advice being made based off assumptions, budget, assuming you don’t like your speakers. The advice on speakers having the biggest influence is great advice, the place to start ... | |
Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers? I am really sensitive to high frequencies, have been since I was young. I’ve found speakers make a huge difference in listening fatigue, a ringing in my ears after a listening session. I think you have gotten some great advice on room treatments... | |
Does a DAC like this even exist? Lumin uses Leedh for their volume control with their DAC’s and Streamers. It’s the best software based volume control I have used by a mile. Never had any issues with it going up or down on its own. I’ve had 3 different Lumin products, it’s wor... | |
DACed and Confused here... With your set up and quality of your gear, I’d spend on a good steamer with an app you like, then I’d pair it with a DAC. As others have recommended, buying used is the way to go. In the digital chain everything will matter, especially with your... | |
Need a new integrated, what say you? Based on your speakers, set up Hegel, Music Fidelity, Parasound are all fantastic choices. The Hegel gives you more in 1 box with streaming and a DAC, the MF and Parasound lack those features. All of them punch above their weight class, all have... | |
Integrated for TAD ME1: Luxman, Accuphase or Soulnote? If the TAD’s need current, I would lean into the Accuphase and add Krell, Coda to the list. Krell & Coda make great integrated amps, Krell will pack a little more in if you are looking for a total 1 box solution. Either will drive most any s... | |
Can you provide context on First Watt? +1 for adding Omega Speakers to your list. Louis makes a beautiful speaker, hand made & designed by himself. If you call Louis and let him know what your room is like, the gear you have and what you want out of the speakers he’ll make some r... | |
Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds + 1 for the Krell 300i, it’s class A up to 90 watts which I would guess you will rarely if ever eclipse. I had the opportunity to demo the Krell, I owned a Coda CSiB, Primaluna Evo 400 integrated and at the same time demo’d the Krell 300xd Duo Am... |