

Responses from mofimadness

Identify, repair or replace mid range speaker in B139 based setup
I would contact Bill LeGall from Miller Sound to see if he can fix it. He’s a genius and probably the best speaker repair person in the US, (maybe the world). Just google him. He has done several repairs for me after being told from others that t... 
AR XA turntable needs new cartridge...
IMHO, I’d either buy a stylus for the Shure, (it’s still a very good cart) or buy a new Goldring E3. My favorite cart under $300 or so. I love mine. Pretty damn sweet!  
"New" model VPI?
3-Point Floating Suspension (3D Isolation) The Model One introduces a new 3-Point Floating Suspension system designed for superior isolation from external vibrations. This advanced 3D isolation system stabilizes the turntable, minimizes motor noi... 
"New" model VPI?
@dynamiclinearity...you state below that the new tonearm has a "removable" headshell? The pictures I’ve seen shows that’s not the case. Also, how do you know that the new parts can be used on the HW-19 series? Just curious. I found this: "The ne... 
"New" model VPI?
According to this: https://trackingangle.com/features/vpi-introduces-new-model-one-turntable-part-of-a-new-upgradeable-forever-series The 500RPM motor is for the 230v countries. The Stainless Steel/Acrylic top plate was on the MKIII and a few o... 
"New" model VPI?
It's a modern day HW-19 with updated technology. Still use a custom HW-19 as my reference table.  
Preamp upgrade
I've owned so many preamps I couldn't count them all. My vote is also for the Audible Illusions.  FANTASTIC unit!  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
@bruce19...+1 @hasmarto...-1  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Pretty sure that Audiogon suspended them.  Not sure why??? https://www.audiogon.com/users/alightronics  
Andy Kim - Needle Clinic
@viridian...lol!  Took me sec to get it, but that's clever!   
Phono Preamp Selection
Don't know if you've bought anything yet, but this just popped up.  Spend the extra $100 and you'll have a KILLER phono stage.  Read the terrific reviews.  Not associated in any way with seller. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisbbaid-parasou... 
Phono Preamp Selection
Schiit Skoll review: https://trackingangle.com/equipment/schiit-skoll-is-not-a-schiit-show  
Phono Preamp Selection
The Schiit Skoll would be hard to beat at $399.  
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports
@no_regrets...IMHO, Stephen is, if not the best, one of the best techs in the country!  I have recommended him numerous times and have always had great responses to his work. VERY talented and experienced. One of my highest recommendations!!!  
JD Souther has passed away
Here is a really good article and interview with JD: https://www.analogplanet.com/content/rip-jd-souther-consummate-songwriter-talks-about-buying-turntables-mastering-vinyl-and-his