Responses from mofimadness
6922 tube recommendations Upscale Audio. Kevin's excellent. | |
Help with Cartridge selection Lyra Delos. If you can swing the extra bucks, buy a Lyra Kleos. | |
How many 'listen outside of the box' design? I haven't owned a box speaker since the early 1980's. I traded in my original DCM Time Windows for Magnepans and then my Magnepans for electrostatics and have never looked back... | |
rest in peace Richie Hayward "Well they say that time loves a heroBut only time will tellIf he`s real he`s a legend from heaven"RIP Richie... | |
Cowboy Junkies Trinity Sessions 45 RPM Classic R I have never heard of a (5) LP 45rpm release. The only one I am aware of is the 4 LP set. This set included the empty LP jacket and (4) 45rpm records. | |
Cheap but decent preamp ??? Forte Model 2 | |
Help Father of the bride dance song. My daugther and I danced to "I Loved Her First" by Heartland.Another good one is "I'll Be" by Edwin Mccain. | |
VPI PLATTER Your MKIII platter just looks like it's all connected, but the platter will "pop" out of the spindle. Use a rubber mallet and a block of wood to seperate. You'll actually hear a "pop" sound when it dislodges. | |
Amp for Martin logan CLS Originals I would go with either the McIntosh or the Levinson, if those were my only choices. You might want to check out the Sanders Sound System ESL amp or an older InnerSound amp in addition. | |
Magtech Amplifier I have the ESL version of the Magtech and LOVE it! I have tried and/or owned many very expensive amps and this is the best I've heard with my Martin Logan CLSIIA's. BTW, Roger and Angela are wonderful to work with and really take care of their cus... | |
Modwrights NEW KWA-100 Se Amplifier I'm waiting to hear the new LS100 preamp. Bet it's a killer for the money! | |
JA Michell TecnoDec armboard question I don't know the size, but these guys will have the hardware once you find the size: | |
What am I missing? Americana? WilcoTift MerrittBethany Dillon | |
Clearview Golden Helix and Double Helix cables I have the MapleShade Golden Helix speaker cables running shotgun from my Sanders ESL amp into my Martin Logan CLSIIA's and LOVE them!I have tried many, many, many cables and have stopped here. | |
I2S Cable Sorry, here is the link: |