Responses from mofimadness
New Parasound blows fuse? Glad you got it straightened out. Happy New Year! | |
best low priced bookshelf speakers The ELAC speakers are an excellent recommendation. Also, if you can still find a pair of the Andrew Jones designed Pioneer bookshelves.The Klipsch R-51M are sweet also. Never been a Klipsch fan, but these are pretty decent. Usually on sale for ... | |
New Parasound blows fuse? Unhook everything and turn it on by itself. If the fuse blows, send it back. If not, turn off and then hook items up one at a time. | |
Grover Huffman IC's and SC's I've used his interconnects for years now in my reference system. Absolutely love them. Never tried his speaker cables... | |
Battle of the unknowns... (cable companies) Another vote for Signal Cable. | |
Considering going back to Solid State Another vote for Pass Labs. If I was ever to leave tubes, (for preamps) that would be about the only brand I would consider.Ayre is very good also. | |
Signal break up on 7 month old Bluesound Node 2i I am experiencing signal break up and a stuttering sound when playing one album titled, "Eternal Light" by Morten Lauridsen. I just listened to "Light Eternal", (not Eternal Light) and hear the same thing, however, I have no basis to compare be... | |
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice opinions of her best LP recording? Simple Dreams...start there | |
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice It is not semantics. She was initially misdiagnosed with Parkinson's, but subsequently learned that it was progressive supranuclear palsy, which has many of the same symptoms. Sorry everyone for the misinformation. Seems funny that almost ever... | |
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound Of My Voice See here: article is pretty recent. Semantics? | |
Moving up from a Node 2i said you moved from a Node? Even an original Node hooked up via it’s digital output to the MDAC+ is going to be way better than streaming Bluetooth from a phone? All the B1 is, is a Bluetooth receiver. Sure you have a Node? | |
Moving up from a Node 2i I just moved from the Node as well. I am super impressed with the Audiolab MDAC Plus. 32 bit capable for BT and super detailed and warm. Highly recommend for $1200I haven’t heard of the MDAC+, so I looked it up. I couldn’t find any info about it b... | |
Moving up from a Node 2i Please report back when you get a grasp on the difference. I'm curious... | |
Tube tester...anyone own their own? That’s an interesting option. Any idea as to what that sells for? The Orange VT-1000 is just $499. Don’t think it will do KT150’s. | |
Tube tester...anyone own their own? Doing a little research, the Amplitrex does seem to be the easiest to use and best on the market. I’m not sure what the price is..anyone?? I wanted to buy one a few years ago and the price was close to $3K! Way out of my budget. Not sure how much... |