Responses from monk
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ? A lot of advice provided in this thread... Because you have a really nice, clean and simple system - Nottingham into your VAC integrated (love that amp, and I am vinyl based also). I think match the integrated to the speakers (think 93bd and up),... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Hey Nyaudio98, there is a pair of Ohm made Blue Circle BM2 speakers on us audio mart dot com... I think you might be able to work a deal for those into your budget - they are like Ohm's version of a Watt/Puppy with sub/sat together... Worth an aud... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? I have found that I had my room treated for Merlins, so I had damped the room a bit (to offset their "personailty")... I found as I removed some of the Echotunes/roomtunes/cornertunes devices, that live sound returned, that air returned, while sti... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Hey fella's - just pointing out, to have a another of a select few, Blue Circle BM2 speaker owner's out there... There is a pair listed from that late BC dealers estate on usa Audio. mart right now. Just sayin :) (no affiliation what so ever to th... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Yea, the BM2 was a short lived product... only a few out there. There was a dealer for BC that just passed away in the finger lakes of NY (disclaimer - I have no affiliation), his estate might still have a pair available if interested... there is ... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Well, the switch does help dial in the enjoyment factor! But I am a tweaker by heart :) The BM2 replaced Merlin VSM-MXe's so they must be doing something correctly! What Ohm's do for large scale, dynamic performances has to be heard. 2c3d when set... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Hi all! I have read every post here in this great Ohm thread. I have a pair of Ohm manufactured Blue Circle BM2 speakers, see the review here Now I have 2 questions, Who are those that use the... | |
phono preamp for Grado Master low output to C11 You're going to need something with 60+ db of gain, no transformer's, and a 47kohm input (or higher - but I do not know of any phono pre's that have a 100Kohm input imp.) So maybe the Jolida fits your budget? high quiet gain, adjustable Impedence ... | |
Cable help for my AtmaSphere S-30 OTL Amp - Please I would look into 2 brands of power cords - Magnan, and Tg Audio - both were recommended by Duke @ Audio Keneisis? (sorry bout the spelling :) for use with Atmasphere stuff (with Soundlabs too I think)... You could try the Asylum cable as a inexpe... | |
Preamp for Lamm M1.1 monoblocks I would look into a Blue Circle Preamp... Similar house sound to the Lamm, a little more SET midrange imho, both throw great stages... musical as all get out. I find the BC leading edge not always as crisp as the Lamm, but the tonality and humanes... | |
AU24e Interconnects - but warmer I agree on the upper mids on the Au24. Thus my interest in Tg Audio - with its killer bass and bass staging (a real weakness in the Au24), it is not as tipped up as the Au24, better stage... better with larger ensembles... BUT I would also recomme... | |
LAP-150 MkII - How good is the phono stage I loved the ops1 mk4 I had. With the right tubes (Windmill getter 5751's and good quiet NOS 6922's, and a good Ac cable)... It was quiet, big stage, dynamic, wet, palpable, detailed too. Great deep bass soundstaging and hall info. A winner and a b... | |
Do you ever doubt you ears ? No, I never doubt my ears! and I have really good aural memory as well... My problem, even with years of listening both in live situations, and with various systems, is what part of the system, if something is amiss, are my ears hearing "it" from?... | |
Still Looking for Amplifier Power cord I would contact Frank Latimer @ If you are looking to goose the bass a bit, check out the 688. If not, looking for a more 3d image and soundstage from your omni's (like my Ohms) check out the SLVR. Great hall info (mostly located in... | |
SS amps for merlin vsm I would seriously consider a Blue Circle Integrated. I switched from all Joule to BC with my Merlins and could not be happier. I would look at maybe the DAR integrated a 6sn7 Hybrid (SS output stage) - and if you need a Phono Pre added in, just as... |