Responses from mr_m
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade Honeybee2012. I live in Casa Grande. | |
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade Thanks for the compliment hifiman. This wasn't the first time I heard the qualities while using a sub. I heard a pair of Wilsons with their Thor's Hammer sub with similar results. Although I thought the Vandersteen combo actually sounded better fo... | |
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade Take my opinion with a grain of salt. The dealer set the Treo CT's and the one 2Wq sub up meticulously. I gave him a few days notice for the demo. He played some incredible music cuts for me. Guess I got caught up in the moment. Even Richard Vande... | |
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade This was the Treo CT. version. | |
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade I listened to the Quatros and the Treo's with just ONE Vandy sub with the premium filters. Was really surprised at how the Treo/Sub combo sounded better than the Quatro. To my ears anyway. | |
Cambridge vs Marantz Used 840 on its own. Only thing I added was a inexpensive up graded power cord from Harmonic Technology. I now own a Cambridge 851-C cd player. The 840 and 851 have vastly better internal DAC chips than the less costly Cambridge players and DACs. ... | |
Cambridge vs Marantz Find a used Cambridge 840-C cd player for a good price, and you will live happily ever after. I had the same Marantz player as a backup from one of my other systems. The 840-C was hands down winner. Not even close. | |
recommendation on new brush don c55.In regards to the Hunt brush, were you using the brush correctly? The Hunt is directional. It is clearly marked with an arrow on the handle. I have NEVER had the problems with this brush as you describe. | |
recommendation on new brush I second the choice for the Hunt EDA. This brush actually picks up the dust. Something many others don't do. IMOed | |
Does the ceiling fan affect the sound? Anyone here heard of the "Leslie" effect. In short, this distorts the sound with a ceiling fan running in the listening room. | |
Best Monitor not over 1K, new ot used While I have not listened to them, it sounds like the new Elac monitors are giving a lot of competitors in the 1k. range a run for their money. All for half that price! | |
what is an audiophile ? What's that term for slightly out of round? Oh yeah......., eccentric. | |
Why should i be a fan of Revel speakers? I've listened to both Revel and Sonus Faber. My choice......., Vandersteen. Just IMHO. | |
What's happened to Taters ? I tell you they're aliens! They didn't disappear, they just went home!!! | |
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure Vitriolic? Sounds like a disease. lol |