
Responses from mroeturner

Picking Speakers 20k-30k
Rockports. Either Atrias (new) or Aviors (used)  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
You might want to check out the Rockport Cygnus speakers. To my ear Wilson speakers have always sounded somewhat “technical”, but the Rockports more musical and effortless.   
Hey, I'm looking for the highest quality recordings from the following Artists:
I just got a 4 LP set of Billie Holiday, the Complete Decca Recordings. Pretty wonderful. Arguably the best sounding recordings/pressings I’ve heard.   
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to?
Here's a good article on Ron Carter's setup:    
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
I suspect that if you upgraded your turntable/tonearm and cartridge it could give you a pretty good boost. I personally like the Clearaudio products. Check out the Performance DC turntable, the Satisfy carbon tonearm, and Stradivari II cartridge. ... 
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.
dcs Bartok DAC  
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?
dcs Bartók  
Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why.
John Prine, “The Missing Years”Joe Henry, “Civilians” 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
I listen to a lot of jazz, especially swing, bebop and hard bop. Because many of these recordings were made in the 40’s-50’s, in medium quality studios, the sonic quality is “ok”, but not something you’d listen to because of the sound quality. For... 
Soft, smooth organic SS integrated amps?
Nagra Classic INT 
Opinions wanted: 10-30K Speakers for Jazz/Folk
Rockport Atria II's.  At the high end of your range, but I think they do really well for what you're after.  I find them to be exceptionally accurate, but without venturing into sounding clinical - more "musical" (admittedly a hard to define term)... 
For the price, I prefer Rockports. Wilson’s sound a bit more clinical to my ear.... 
The Lifespan of an LP?
I have many LPs that were bought new in the 60’s/70’s. As my system improved over the years I thought that a couple of them had “worn out” and replaced them with modern high-mass “audiophile” pressings, only to find out that in most cases the soun... 
Amplifier warm up
There’s a reason why most SS amps have the on/off switch hidden inconveniently on the back - they expect you to leave the gear running. As one commenter noted, though, yes, the components do deteriorate over time (I just replaced a Conrad Johnson ... 
CD Player vs. music streaming
I have recently gotten rid of my Ayre CD player because I finally found a music server and DAC that sound better IMO. I’ve gone with the dcs Bartók, along with Roon on a Roon Nucleus. The ripped CDs all sound better (again, to my ear) than they di...