

Responses from mulveling

Is it possible with SN to determine where Tannoy Speakers circa 2021 were made ?
It’s so hard to get any "real" info out about Tannoy production. Very frustrating. You might need to clarify whether 2021 is the target date for purchase or production. And I assume you mean Legacy & Prestige series, since lower lines were alr... 
Dusting gear and turntable
The swiffer dry dusters are great. They definitely "trap" much more than they "spread". You just have to be really careful around a cart / cantilever - nothing new there, and better if you can dismount it before a clean (another reason to love hea... 
12au7 tube?
I remember conversation with Kevin of VAC and he said exactly the opposite. I generally agree with what Kevin says, but we're all individuals and different in key ways. Anyways, he's almost certainly referring to rolling different makes of the ... 
12au7 tube?
@inna rumor is PSvane makes many of the Ray’s tubes. Right, but these days who else could it possibly be? We could pretty much guess that every time, and be right :)  New Sensor is doing just fine with its own fleet of sub-brands, and probab... 
12au7 tube?
Yeah, GTA / GTB variants aren’t as good sounding as most of the older 6SN7GT tubes. You would need a GTA / GTB for 2 reasons: Your tube slot (usually preamp or phono stage) is particularly sensitive to noise and microphonics. GTA and GTB tubes ... 
12au7 tube?
@lowtubes Man you’re speaking like a kindred soul here - I feel almost exactly the same way, and yeah, I also went way too far. On the plus side, my tube needs for life are easily filled. On the downside, it’s far too hard to liquidate these col... 
"...and I don't take any advertiser money..."
It's not a "direct" payment, but there's the carrot of "accomodation" pricing, by which well-audienced reviewers have the option to buy the product at a price (sometimes) below used market value. Then they have the additional boon of being able to... 
Replacement same model tweeters like a major component upgrade
I’ve replaced the tweeter on just one side of Tannoy Kensington SE, years after their purchase. Almost certainly a different batch of manufacture, but same part number. No break-in required - the drop-in sounded perfect and continued to do so! O... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
If we're gonna question every W/P owner's posting credentials, why don't we bring up Danny Richie's past association with AV123 and its convicted criminal scammer Mark Schifter? Geez. I hate YouTube personalities.  You can also hop on ASR and fin... 
Turntable Rumble/Feedback
Ooof, I struggled with this on a couple VPI setups in a "tricky" room / floor scenario. The feedback sound can range from an audible rumble to very much like a ground hum (but not one). Definitely NOT the motor. It only emerges during high volume ... 
Rogue Sphinx....good match with Merlin TSM?
You’d be going from one entry-level class D module (ICEPower) to another (Hypex UcD). You’re also going from a ECC99 tube front-end to 12AU7. Frankly, ECC99 / 12BH7 is the better tube. I think in net, this would be a sideways move. Maybe you like... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
I guess I am wondering where is the trade off for Voltage vs Current regarding the sweet spot for the two MC275s parallel monoblock and the W/P 8s ? This is where the analysis ends and listening takes over - both the 4 and 8 ohms taps should be... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
I’m not so sure I’d jump on tube amps as problematic for Wilsons because of a 2-ohm dip. Especially with mono 275’s - those 4 ohm taps actually become 2 ohm taps in mono mode (check the manual). Try those 4 / 2 ohm taps versus the 8 ohm (4 ohm mon... 
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp?
This is an issue for folks without a good system and realize they can build one without one with all digital. Sounds great... then they put a preamp into their system and realize all the body and naturalness of the sound they were missing. If the... 
12au7 tube?
@mulveling I don’t know about that assessment as the 12AU7 is used in the pre section of the integrated amp... you definitely need to it t be quite or you will amplify it Oops, missed that part of your amp; assumed it was power only. I did not ...