
Responses from mwh777

Best upgrade for a REGA RP 3
This is off topic but, wanted to offer up something that might be beneficial to you. Assuming your Arcam is the FMJ-A19, I have some experience with it in a family member's system. I found that a particular DIY Furutech power cord works very well ... 
Seeking opinions about phono specific interconnects
@elliottbnewcombjr  Your suggestion is a good consideration as a tool for learning purposes. I may just look into the idea.  
Seeking opinions about phono specific interconnects
@cleeds  Phono stage is a Manley Chinook. The existing cart is a high output moving coil (1.2 mv). The recommended load is 400-47,000 ohms. I usually prefer the lowest setting to minimize brightness. A similar example is that for moving magnet ca... 
DOL vinyl pressings
There are several European record labels, including DOL that issue what are called public domain releases. Those public domain records are of recordings that the European copyright has expired on. I think that the European copyright is for 50 year... 
What use to burn in power cords?
Hagerman Audio Labs FryCorder2.  
High End Repair in Phoenix
Update, I finally received a call from James Koch at High End Repair. He said that he had some non-business problems to deal with and now is trying to get caught up on his work. He hopes to have my project ready in a week. Thanks to everyone for ... 
Jolida JD-9 Upgrade
Look up the Audiokarma "Official JD9 thread". It is a huge source of info for upgrade mods for the JD9. My JD9 II has upgraded caps, Burr Brown opamps, fuse, damping material and NOS RCA black plate tubes. One of the good things about the JD9 is ... 
Invert ?
While it is very common to call this "phase" inversion, calling it polarity inversion makes more sense to me but, that is a minor point. The first thing to be aware of is that not everyone is sensitive to "absolute" polarity inversion which is, bo... 
cleaning gritty surface noise on LPs
ghdprentice, Better be careful, when my hair stylus found out about my cartridge stylist, all hell broke loose! 😁  
Cartridge suggestions for my rig
Thank you to everyone who has replied. @hsounds  Special thanks to you for reminding me about Wally Tools. I was aware of them in general but, had never really looked closely until now. After watching many of their videos, I am now planning to d... 
Any point in upgrading stock cables for a LPS?
Absolutely, yes. On my 5v LHY LPS for my Node 2. The sound signature of various brands of cords is discernable. I can easily hear the difference between two cords that are the same cord (the no longer available Cable Pro Vitality) but, each of th... 
Platter mats for a Rega Planar 2
Check out the Herbie's Audio mat.  
Power cords known to produce good bass
@jumia Yes, I did do the re-terminating myself. Before I continue, in all fairness, the term "el cheapo" I used to describe the cord ends that Transparent uses was a poor choice of words. Their cord ends are not poor quality products. It's that on... 
Power cords known to produce good bass
@jumia Due to my inadequate explanation, you have misunderstood which cables I'm wanting to improve. The cables that are the issue are the ones made with the Acrolink 7NP4030 II wire. I am a big fan of Transparent Audio cables largely because of t... 
Power cords known to produce good bass
Thank you all for the excellent input. Yes, I should have said good - quality - bass in the header. Lots of votes for Audioquest so far. @vinci92 I did have an early version Shunyata King Cobra way back when. That was an amazing power cord. Unfor...