
Responses from mwthorne

Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini?
Appreciate all the suggestions. I am going to try putting a tube pre-amp in my chain and see what that does.  I will then try putting a streamer connected to my PS Audio DAC and see what improvements that yields.  i will then try a streamer/DAC co... 
New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s?
Really appreciate all the great info here.   @mopsauce life just got in the way of doing enough research to make a move to something else in the speaker department.  If you don't live in a major metro it takes some work to view the options availab... 
New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s?
Probably used - up to 25K - really depends on how much improvement in sound I get going up in price. I had originally bought the Lamms with the intention of pairing them with Wilson Audio speakers. I never got around to that.  When I upgraded the ... 
Where to take system from here?
Thx for the info - The Lamm’s have enough power to drive the thiels - I do notice some  loss at the very lower end compared to the Krell setup but that is ok given room size.  My room was build for soundproofing/diffusion at construction of the ho... 
Ps audio directstream into scd-1 - direct to amp?
I would agree my sound was a little clinical at times. Interesting approach on the dac. I listened to a set of b&w 800Ds with classe gear and it was definitely warmer.i haven't played with Dac's much. Trying to figure out if I build around the... 
New 16 12 room - direction?
Thx - I have heard from a lot of people that Classe and thiels pair well. Was your audio research a tube pre? 
Creek 5350SE - Phone Board installed or not?
Thanks for the help 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
Thanks for the advice. Looks like I will need to start over with amplification if I want to go with the Maggies. 
Best Amp/pre-amp for Thiel 6s
Thanks for your feedback. I am awaiting arrival of my Krell FPB 300cx with a KCT pre-amp. 
Best Used CD Player for 2,500 - 3,000
I was thinking of a CD Player, not DAC/Transport combo. How would you rate the Sony SCD-1 up against the players mentioned here?