
Responses from newbee

How do you find BEST classical recordings???
peter, you asked about AMG on line - i've never looked at it on line but i buy it regularily. It is best used for gaining a concensus of performances on recent releases and, i think best of all, it has composer reviews wherein all of the composers... 
Equalizer for McIntosh preamp - advice, please
FWIW the only way you can really kill your standing waves, and still retain good bass, electronically is with either a parametric equalizer or a 1/3rd band equalizer. You see the latter on EBay every once in a while. 
Where are you at on the curve?...
I stopped worrying about the sound about 5 years ago and started to focus on my collection. Best decision i ever made. But it took me quite a few years to come to the realization that, for me anyway, its all about the music, not stereo sound in th... 
2000 for turntable and arm.....
better put the cartridge in your equasion - the type of cartridge you use will determine the arm or visa versa, and the cartridge has much to do with soundstage, speed etc. have you figured out which one you are going to use? 
VTL 5.5 Preamp......
could be a tube (does the dying channel have more noise?) or it could be your hearing. no kidding, have you had it checked lately? try reversing your cable to the amp and see if you still have to turn the control to the right to balance the sound.... 
Which best 5U4GB rectifier tube- Mesa Boogie or ??
jim, FWIW, The 12ax7's i last received from Mesa were absolutely identical physically and sound wise to EH's (they were relabled however to mesa logo). They do not sound similar to the chinese. Frankly thats not a recommendation for either. 
Perfect sound forever ? Not even when new...
i've not noticed clicks and pop's but i recently put on Telarc's dual layer Zander's Mahler 6 and on my BAT i just couldn't connect to the high frequencies on the disc, they seem mildly distorted. i've never had that problem before w/Telarc or any... 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
does anyone know the brand of cable that Unclecrusty feels is neutral and will complement most of not all high end speakers and amp. I need some, i think. 
Orchestral brass and fanfare - analysis of system
stenho, what i was referring to in my post regarding the CD i thought judit might be using was that this disc is HDCD encoded and i don't believe the CDP being used has HDCD playback. It's not supposed to make a difference, BUT the other day i pla... 
How long it take to run in brand new loudspeaker?
botrytis, i think the only way you will know for sure is to buy a lot of speakers and break them in to see for yourself if there is a difference. Please do not trust the experiences of others - we lie as lot just to get in print. 
Orchestral brass and fanfare - analysis of system
you might just be overloading your room with the high frequencies. I assume you ment Copeland's symphony #3, and i'm assuming that you are referring to Reference Recording's edition in HDCD. You might try a some different recordings to see if you ... 
how do you tame digititus in a transport?
Sean, good thought. i dug around in my old cables and found a cardaas digital cable (!) and plugged it in. helped a lot. thanks for the reminder. 
Taming/Damping Electrostat Backwave
tom, my experience with 63's was some what parallel to your's but with different results. I tried deadening the back wave, partially and totally with poor results. I ended up with the speakers about 4 1/2 feet from the back wall toed in about 15 d... 
Is Remote Control Important?
i think a remote is most valuable for being able at the listening position to dial in the exact volume which makes a recording come to life. but unless you're a mega buck perfectionist you can use a creek unit in the tape loop, or even downstream ... 
Best Schumann recordings
i agree with Gregm on the symphonies by Bernstein, i find that his performances are anything but routine and are more exciting than any others i have heard. this may or may not be "musically correct", but then Lenny rarely was. i have had a hard t...