
Responses from nigeltheflash

Good quality SPDIF 75ohm BNC and RCA plugs - which ideally match aesthetically too!
Good call and definitely the way to go if you like that cable and like those connectors, as it's the best value for money way of obtaining both. I might well end uo back here after exploring and prototyping with Canare, Telegartner etc.   I may ... 
Good quality SPDIF 75ohm BNC and RCA plugs - which ideally match aesthetically too!
Thanks @mitch2. Agreed, I am determined to get the wires right first but then want to give them the finish they deserve. I'm tempted to go with Canare or Telegartner for the prototyping as they tick a load of boxes at the right price - the challe... 
Good quality SPDIF 75ohm BNC and RCA plugs - which ideally match aesthetically too!
@oddiofyl Thanks, will take a look at Wireworld though I’m really looking to make up my own cables so pasternack is of real interest.  
Good quality SPDIF 75ohm BNC and RCA plugs - which ideally match aesthetically too!
@steakster Thanks, will check that out. I’m not sure why anyone would choose palladium over the many more conductive metals out there so will read with interest.  
Good quality SPDIF 75ohm BNC and RCA plugs - which ideally match aesthetically too!
EDIT: 1) I guess I could use BNC-RCA converters but I would imagine the purists would steer away from these. 2) I'm surprised Furutech don't state whether their RCA adaptors are 50 ohm or 75 ohm. Obviously ideally I'd like the latter.  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
Belated apologies to @cleeds as I appear to have been channeling him without acknowledging the same!  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
I'm not sure how many people who might say "well that's dCS off my list" ever had dCS on their list... I am delighted with the sound quality my aging Puccini + U-Clock continue to deliver and will upgrade to the Rossini when funds allow. Hey, as a... 
All Hail the meek --yet mighty – NODE 2i
I'm in the Node 2i fanboy camp. Loved mine for years, delighted with the interface (BluOS app). I pimped mine with an external Sean Jacobs linear PSU and it stepped up a league. The Mutec MC-3 gave it a further boost. I then auditioned an Innuos P... 
why expensive streamers
Thanks again Jerry @carlsbad2   
why expensive streamers
Thanks Jerry @carlsbad2. Any materials you can point me/us to? I presume this is in the public domain. Best, Nigel  
why expensive streamers
“Streaming can’t use the error checking protocols that achieve bitperfect file transfer. Thus, dropped bits and the streamer’s attempts to deal with it. Otherwise, there would be no market for high end streamers, silver digitlal cables, or anythin... 
why expensive streamers
@jaytor Agreed re how much measurements can tell us and how they may or may not correlate with what we hear  
why expensive streamers
@invalid It's true that a purely digital doesn't exist as such, it's an electrical waveform. What happens from the streamer output side onwards is subject to different constraints, factors etc from what happens in the ethernet domain ie everything... 
why expensive streamers
@carlsbad2 Seriously, I'd suggest you read up on ethernet. The built in error-checking, retransmission etc will ensure no bits are dropped. The primary concern about ethernet data transmission from an audio perspective should be minimising noise a... 
why expensive streamers
@steakster I’m really not sure that’s “as I wish”; I’m a listening first guy who then seeks to understand the physics/science which might explain what I’m hearing but the SR stuff is from a different planet. What the heck are “contouring” and “tun...