
Discussions no_regrets has started

Luxman EQ-5001201710
What is your favorite SUT and MM phono stage combination?16491
SUT into MM input section of Solid State Phono Stage346218
Acoustic Zen vs Audio Sensibility interconnects70279
Best Interconnect with Step Up Transformer32128
Tango Step Up Transformers vs Bob's Sky Blue Cinemag487711
AMG V12949120
Spiral Groove 1.1 or 2 tables46454
Spiral Groove tables23380
Clearaudio Innovation Wood vs. TW Acoustic689812
Turntable with stable speed.3501929
Herron VTPH-2 Phono Preamp1188319
Harbeth P3ESR - What electronics are you using?1579316
DeVore Gibbon 3XL57881
Room Acoustics and Speaker interaction.960327