

Responses from noble100

Magnepan center channel and rears?
I agree with Red2 that the CC3 is very good. I use it for surround with Magnepan 2.7QRs as front channels and the result is a very smooth, well integrated sound. The CC3 had to break in for 100-200 hours but now the integration is seamless with th... 
cary slp-98L vs bat vk3i
I agree with Claud, the Cary 98 is very neutral and doesn't impart much of a tube flavor. I tried it out on my system when looking for a tubed preamp. I bought another brand because I was looking for more of the tube character. But if you're looki... 
Ladies analogy lover?
"My wife loves music but was never exposed to good gear until she met me." So you exposed your gear to her when you met and she married you? I thought they just put you in jail for that sort of thing. 
Pre-Amp Pass Through for HT
The short answer, in my experience, is that the HT passthru will impart it's own sonic signature but it'll be more subtle than direct comparisons between the pre/proc and the preamp alone. I did a similar comparison awhile ago. I had a B&K p... 
External processor loop of VTL 5.5
I have a VTL 2.5 and use a surround processor/preamp connected to the processor loop on the VTL (HT bypass). The VTL needs to be on to pass the front channel signal to my speakers. I think the 5.5 operates identically except, of course, it sounds ... 
Tubes for a VTL 2.5
I retubed a VTL 2.5 with NOS Mullards and am very pleased. Upscale audio was very helpful in determining which tubes to buy for this preamp. Mullards have more midrange bloom (which I like)than the stock tubes but are very detailed at the same tim... 
tube preamp question
LvK47, Biasing isn't a concern for tube preamps, just tube amps. And even for tube amps, many are now autobiasing. 
Help me deceide on pre-amp please
I purchased a new VTL 2.5 a few months ago and am very pleased. It has HT bypass and a remote for volume and mute only. I got some NOS Mullards from Upscale Audio to replace the 2 12AU7 and 2 12AT7 standard tubes - will cost you about $150 for all... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
Don't stop your rants, Marco. That's some of the funniest stuff I've read on this site. 
its all about the music,no way hose
For myself, it's more like: 'It's all about what sounds good", more than "It's all about the music". I think sounds soothe us in a basic, primal way. Cliche enough? High-end equipment generally makes a given CD or LP sound much better than mass ma... 
what made you get into high end gear.
After staring at Nrchy's red and blue pot on his 'system' picture I think I just became mentally ill, but I don't feel that much different. 
solid state amps matched with tube pre amp
I would turn on the preamp then your amp and never turn them off until you need to swap tubes or your amp quits, IMHO. Your ears will thank you. 
Magnepan positioning
I use Maggies for 2-channel and surround and agree: they need lots of clean power and room behind them to sound their best. I move them out 4-5 ft for 2-channel and leave them about 2 ft from the wall for surround. You may be best with box speaker... 
Artist's Best or
Jack Johnson-In Between Dreams 
Need Opinions on center channel speaker....
Macdadtexas, I agree with getting what you like. My main point is that, in my experience, getting the same type and quality makes the sound more cohesive. There's a distinct sound to speakers, especially cones vs planars or electrostatics. The mo...