Responses from northman
How do you audition speakers at a store? gadios, since you asked about my asking, I'm going to ask back about used speakers. Apologies if this all sounds ask backwards.I've bought used tube amps, ss amps/preamps, digital streamers, etc. I've tended to stay away from mechanical things lik... | |
How do you audition speakers at a store? You are all VERY kind! jbhiller and hilde45: I appreciate your empathy! hilde45 and bhakti-rider: that is simply awesome that you bring your own speakers. One of the NH stores that I'll visit (Spendor, KEF, Klipsch, etc) carries my current speaker... | |
How do you audition speakers at a store? Thank you, Bob. Even though I kept relying on Take5, I moved to Vermont twenty some years ago. I've only heard great things about Audioconnection, and maybe I should make the trip. Google tells me it's a 6 hour drive so I will at least see what I ... | |
How do you audition speakers at a store? These are wonderful responses, and although there's no silver bullet there are some great suggestions that I hadn't thought about. Of course it could indeed be the "second most important relationship in my life"! Luckily, my most important relatio... | |
Joseph Audio dealers Like others, I've messaged them multiple times and received no response. I'd like to find a deal in the Northeast. A search pulled up Doug's Tubes on Long Island, which ... doesn't look much like a stereo store. Does anyone know of a dealer in the... | |
bookshelf speakers to replace my Maggies Once again, thank you all. I'm keeping up with this thread and at least researching all these speakers. Mostly I'm thinking: "how'd they do that?". I can get to New York or Boston relatively easily, and I'll plan on that. There's also an audio sho... | |
advice on possible (REL?) sub for PSB Imagine B speakers Thank you all! I feel schooled in the best possible way. bubinga, I'm going to pm you, if just to thank you for your thoughts. | |
bookshelf speakers to replace my Maggies Thank you all. I genuinely appreciate your suggestions. It's something, isn't it, when $4,000 may not be enough for (what I still call) bookshelf speakers--but I get it. One of the things about Maggies, as you all know, is that they're relatively ... | |
bookshelf speakers to replace my Maggies Thank you both! Yes, I think they need to be stand speakers. I've moved a couple times since I bought my first Maggies and this house ... just isn't built for them. The only place is in front of big windows that look out over a nice view, so nothi... | |
advice on possible (REL?) sub for PSB Imagine B speakers Thank you, turnbowm. I've been reading a lot, including some other things from absolutesound, but that's helpful. I'm probably trying to take on too much by anticipating, vaguely, future speakers. And it's a bit tricky because my room is open and ... | |
advice on possible (REL?) sub for PSB Imagine B speakers Thank you all very much, including Gandalf. I'm now thinking about the T5i or T7i, but I'm still learning, obviously. I'm sure this question is addressed repeatedly out here and elsewhere but I'm going to expose my naiveté and ask it anyway. I und... | |
advice on possible (REL?) sub for PSB Imagine B speakers ps: I had to look up Joseph Audio Pulsars. Dang. "Bookshelf speakers" beyond my imagination! | |
advice on possible (REL?) sub for PSB Imagine B speakers Thank you, bubinga--that's an encouraging response! I was thinking about the S3 because it seems to be a bit smaller than the 510 ... but I'll keep thinking! | |
rookie questions about used Bryston BDPs Thank you all so much. This is all VERY helpful, even the gently conflicting answers. The responses have not only helped shape my own answers, they've helped me to understand what questions to ask. And I hear you all: I'll pop over to Audiocircle ... | |
rookie questions about used Bryston BDPs Thank you all. I appreciate the help! I love Bryston (my amp is old enough to be out of warranty but still chugging along; my preamp is youthful enough) and live fairly close to their US offices. You've helped me narrow my choices to a used BDP2 o... |