
Responses from noske

Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@mapman Measurements may or may not even matter in some cases. What are the cases in which measurements don’t matter?  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@sutts if Ralph’s amps can hang with the performance of the Merrill 116’s, well now that would be something special.. Upon what criteria would an assessment be made as to their relative merits?  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@kuribo At $20,000US, for a shiny aluminum box and a fake tube, with performance bettered by amps at 1/20th the price, I can find little to attract me for a listen. Yes. It is imperative that blokes who are creating Gan amps provide a comprehen... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@holmz  My amps reside, with sufficient peace and dignity under the benevolent reign of King Charles III, in the country known as Australia.  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@holmz I am assuming your’s are 230v then, in addition to 50Hz? So it would seem like you may be a long ways from Washington state in terms of shipping. I’d kick in some $ to help with shipping if Amir has a 110-220v transformer, and if Ralph say... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@kuribo That is quite a slab of tests. I think that someone who owns one will drop-ship one over to Amir at ASR. Probably a couple weeks turnaround. I’d do it myself, but I can’t because I am on 50hz power. Also, what I am thinking and I may be ... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@kuribo It should be blatantly obvious. No, actually. Please provide exactly what tests you wish to be performed. One at a time. I will agree with you should you be able to be specific, rather than saying just look at the websites of Purifi an... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@jjss49   Perhaps not so weak and lame but rather the ill-considered rantings of someone who I suspect, judging by his incoherence and lack of respect for the English language, was drunk, stoned or high.  Whatever. Exactly what is the reason that... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
I think that this has been a tremendous thread.  Thankyou, Audiogon, and @pstores   
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@holmz  some might still prefer the signal modified, or distorted, so that the 2nd/3rd harmonics were present. Some of this may also bleed into people running tube preamps into SS/Class-D amps.  And this is a truth.  I am such a one, for a va... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@ricevs When you take your ego sword out and start swinging, you are not in a high vibration.....Do you love yourself, do you love me?    I dunno about others on this esteemed audio forum , but I'm sure something could be arranged elsewhere.  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@tinear123 Just popped the lid as I do on everything according to my wife and since I'm an engineer and do tend to disassemble everything she is right.    I always enjoy a double entendre.   Very dry humour. Oh, wait, this is an American forum... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@ricevs Here is another class D amp that will be really good when it hits the street Yeah, really interesting dude, on a thread about Ralph’s class D amps or any similar (??) Ganfet in production like AGD. Some here and elsewhere may wish for ... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@twoleftears ~try ASR for size.... a happy AGD owner (OMG! also no measurements). You own AGD and have not even looked at the website where a few graphs are provided like FFT, square wave and a couple other things (measurements) are provided. ... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
The irony !    One of the best mfg of OTL tube gear makes one of the most highly acclaimed Class D amps yet.    Go figure What's the irony?  Do you even know the meaning of the word irony? That you say Go figure - you are blessed.