

Discussions nrchy has started

Magnapan vs. Von Schweikert653912
The best Carl Orff Carmina Burana?1911717
Review: Sony SS-M7aes Speaker3427320
Classical music for Rockers675323
What's the music at the start of Sean Hanitys show16914
Any experience with the Pass Labs Aleph 5???111739
What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?2119444
What was your biggest priority?609022
Review: Sota Sota LPC Turntable58913
A tubes vs. Solid State question.2591348
Review: Purist Audio Design Proteus Interconnect2980322
Speaker priority: high or low???2112059
Someone just dropped cash into your lap347514
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck133341286
Review: Purist Dominus Interconnect1514517