

Responses from nrostov

Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
Why do these questions always degrade to a digital vs. analog debate? Who cares? It's like trying to convince someone to switch religions or political parties.Jeff just go listen for yourself. Bring your cd player and do the comparisons. Oh and ab... 
Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
Hi Jeff,If you happen to live in LA or get out this way come over to my house and hear the difference. I own the Lector Digicode/Digidrive. Harry Pearson(and other major reviewers-do a google search) considers the Lector to be one of the most anal... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
T_bone,Yeah I figure there has to be some kind of chip in there too. I learned yesterday that not all of the pins are used on the Ipod and that one of the unused ones can send the digital signal. You still need to tell the Ipod to do it though. So... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Great Neal.I know this is a big request but can you open the box and look inside. A lot of us have been curious what Wadia's packing in there. I understand if you don't want to but I am really curious if it's just wires or if they have some sort o... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Neal, great please let us know. I assume you are going to compare it to the sound of your transport. How did you get it? I thought they haven't been released yet.Brian,Look I agree with you about something I shouldn't have knocked the Wadia withou... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Brian,I was actually referring to someone else's comment as hostile however I did not find your's polite.I called MSB to clarify things. The MSB Idoc uses a proprietary DSP to reduce jitter to 7 picometers. Industry standards consider 100 picomete... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
T_bone, to be honest I talked to the guys and it was getting a little technical for me, but sufice to say that there is distortion in the direct digital Ipod signal that goes beyond just jitter. So in effect the ISB dock reprocesses each bit getti... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
T_Bone,Yes in theory the Pace Car could be used for jitter(though I don't know how good it is never having used it). However it would not solve the other matter of cleaning up the Ipod signal which if you look at it is pretty distorted when compar... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Brian,A. "These statements have no merit" Not the nicest way to start a discussion. At least not in my world but hey whatever.B. a. A lot of DAC's don't have the greatest clock re-generators in them. The Lector happens to be one(but not only) of t... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
Geez guys...a little hostile, don't you think? Seriously, buy the Wadia. I don't care. I'm not a dealer. I have just looked at the specs and I have heard the MSB, which actually performs a little bit better than my Lector transport(which is an ama... 
Ipod Dock with direct out?????
The MSB Ipod doc is much better than the Wadia. They actually re-clock the digital signal so that they reduce jitter to almost zero. The Wadia does not. This unit will actually be like adding a transport to your DAC(in some cases it sounds a littl... 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Tried it with my wife's hair dryer. doesn't work. 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Chad get with the times you gotta use the snowblower! 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Oh my god. I was kidding when I said I could use my wife's hair dryer, but she has the exact same thing with the difuser. This is really funny. When I get home from vacation I am going to try it on my lp's, after I clean them, and let you guys know. 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Hmmm....my wife has one of those. I wonder if I could use it to reduce static on my lp's after I clean them...:)