
Discussions ntscdan has started

Upgrade from Benchmark Dac?1388926
Regular Cardas interconnects for VPI?60888
High quality music server on the cheap...sort of545214
Advice from vinyl types on a good CD player916616
Monster Superdiscs? Another SACD/DVD-A Debacle?107612
Sonos turns your house into an ipod1393732
ipod balanced output32883
The music companies do something wrong343814
The music companies do something right14450
Sliding down the 78 rpm slippery slope....help27696
spdif vs toslink54819
mbox from digidesign...help?367510
beware ipod809433
IPOD and an audiophile soundcard36567
I need to get rid of my JBL 4311s don't I?1454818