
Responses from nyev

Herbie’s Spike Decoupling Gliders: my…experience
I just read another post on a different forum that cited precisely the same results using the Herbie’s gliders. The sonic results, not the speaker toppling over result. Bass had “less impact” with Herbie’s, but soundstage and everything else more... 
Herbie’s Spike Decoupling Gliders: my…experience
Yeah, I do the same - ears first.  Rhyme or reason and common sense predictability never applies in HiFi. But once something makes a difference, especially something like this, I can’t help but wonder why.  Just curiosity.      
Ideal power cord lengths?
I always take info from vendors with a grain of salt. I had thought Nordost recommends 2m power cords but I could be mistaken. I once found a link on these boards to a Nordost Q&A that lists recommended lengths for all types of cables. The PS ... 
Power cords or power conditioner
Not to throw another dimension into the mix, but I recently sent my USB reclocker device (Innuos PhoenixUSB) from Innuos back to have the USB connector replaced due to a somewhat loose connection.  I bought the unit earlier this year as a store de... 
Power cords or power conditioner
@wheelndeal1099 thanks for relaying the suggestion from TheCableCo. That actually makes some sense. That is exactly why I went with Nordost speaker cables (speed and transparency). But I found that Nordost Valhalla 2 power cords and USB cord remov... 
Power cords or power conditioner
@wheelndeal1099 I find it interesting that TheCableCo found Transparent speaker cables and Nordost USB interconnects (not familiar with Wireworld). I’ve demo’d Nordost USB cords before and found them to be quite neutral. Not a personal fan of Tran... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
@mirolab , as I noted I’ve not conducted a test of different lengths of identical model power cords so I cannot speak to any differences. I was simply asking if anyone had actually done this test. Quite by accident, I did find that longer USB cord... 
Power cords or power conditioner
@wheelndeal1099 , good luck and let us know the results. Try to resist making any judgements for at least a week if not longer, and leave your system on quietly. I always get impatient and make rush judgements when trying new gear. My final asses... 
Power cords or power conditioner
@coachpoconnor , well put. And I’ve experienced the phenomenon that you have, with your system becoming WAY more sensitive to certain variables as you upgrade it to become more resolving. In my case this happened when I upgraded to Nordost Valhall... 
Power cords or power conditioner
Lol…. I do get a kick out of the audiosciencereview channel.  I find it amusing and utterly useless.  I do agree with Amir’s take on the importance of blind testing though.  Everyone is subject to confirmation bias, to varying degrees.  But nobody... 
Power cords or power conditioner
Agree with @audphile1 .  In my case, just for fun I tried substituting my very expensive Audioquest Dragon cord feeding my Torus RM20 with the stock Torus power cord.  The Torus in turn powers my entire system. My initial impression was, it sound... 
Power cords or power conditioner
@wheelndeal1099 , try a demo of 1.5 or 2m quality USB cord. You might be surprised at the results…. No matter the vendor they always say that their products cannot be improved on. Best policy is to try for yourself, ideally with a blind test so i... 
Power cords or power conditioner
One clarification - when I mentioned that the Torus is not a conditioner, I meant not in the traditional sense. Rather than filtering noise out, it electrically isolates your system from your house’s AC. Interestingly, it was Nordost who first tu... 
Power cords or power conditioner
I agree with most here that speaker placement and room treatments is the place to start. You need to get that right first.  The biggest thing that made an impact to soundstage depth for me is having the speakers towed out, so that they are almost ... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
@ghdprentice , good point, and I agree, everything is additive. Might be worth just installing the cable lifters. That said, I’m still curious as to whether or not they might help.  I know there is consensus (of those who have actually done the co...