
Responses from oceanica1

gallo 3.1 repair
Repair went fine, just decided to go the SET 300B route, and the Gallo's just won't work. 
4, 8, 16 ohm taps 300B tube amp question
Thanks for the help, I'll look it up, I hope to learn more about the electronics/circuitry involved... 
4, 8, 16 ohm taps 300B tube amp question
can you post a link to the earlier thread? It would be interesting to know what this actually does...thanks for the info. 
SET or OTL to drive Gallo 3.1's Recommendations?
Thanks for all of the comments, Riley, I got your email, but I'll keep this on the forum for the possible benefit of others facing the SET/OTL vs solid state hybrid question on a limited budget. I currently have an Odyssey Candela running a Van Al... 
SET or OTL to drive Gallo 3.1's Recommendations?
Riley 804. I thought about this, but the distortion ( hash and compression ) of the treble concern me, would the sub amp clear up all distortion? 
EAR 834p no mod vs Jolida jd9 level 2 mod
thanks Stevecham. My understanding is that the higher level mods ( 2 and 3 ) on the Jolida turn it into a completely different animal. I will have a level 2 soon and also a JlTi ss along with the tube box, was just trying to avoid buying the Ear t... 
BEST tubes Pro-ject tube box SE II sumiko 12ax7
updatejust tried the Nazda silver anode. More precise than the Siemens and so far my secomd favorite tube, Srill the Siemens is the most musical/ 
BEST tubes Pro-ject tube box SE II sumiko 12ax7
The dampers just do not come off, you have to toss all. I have not tried any reissue tubes in this guy, but my impression of most of them is they sound pretty much the same in other gear ( I have not listened to Groove Tubes ). If you are looking ... 
BEST tubes Pro-ject tube box SE II sumiko 12ax7
I did get a some what lower output, but certainly not bad, that said, the tubes were hotter that the others when removed. 
gallo 3.1 repair
I am currently upgrading my old system, and am trying different integrated and pre/amp combos. Had the Gallo's hooked up to a Valve Audio Predator ( 200 WPC into 8 ohm ). I forgot to turn the volume down between CD and Phono, the protection circui... 
gallo 3.1 repair
Shadorne; My experience exactly, they just do not handle the dynamics of symphonic music well...wish I had known. I will probably get them fixed and get some speakers that can handle it. Wondering about Odyssey Lorelei's, any thoughts? 
Valve Audio Lab MP L1S MKII preamp
Well, I got it, and it will not last here...will sell it if I can't return it. Lesson learned, beware of eBay. 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
I settled on an Odyssey Khartago upgraded to a stratos that I got on this site. PLENTY of power! Also, used the resistor tweak and have ended up with really nice bass, the Odyssey is a bit on the bright side, but not bad. Also the one I got has a ... 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
Has anyone tried the resistor tweak for the Gallo's? While the bass rolls off significantly below about 60hz, I do not mind that so much as the somewhat bloated sound at the crossover point.... 
best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?
DPogue-- forgive my ignorance, but, where can i find the monoblocks you recommend? Price?