
Responses from onemug

300B tube recommendation for SET amp?
Vu, of Deja Vu Audio, recently sent me a pair of his custom 300b monos with his best rare vintage transformers. He chose EH Gold Grid for that amp. My Art Audio sounds best with the Sophia Princess and with my Welborne DRD I like the EH. Point is ... 
Do you care about the LOOK???
I care about the look. I've always bought my speakers in an upgraded finish like walnut or rosewood. I once went to a dealer to look at an Oracle turntable and saw a mint Sota Star in the most beautiful rosewood i've ever seen. Bought the Sota. Ne... 
Should a good system sound bad with bad recording?
I agree on the garbage in/garbage out factor. If you have a revealing system it will reveal the garbage or reveal the quality of what's being played. 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
Wwwrecords, because you DO know what sounds good to you, your system will be far better than most who have spent more either trying to impress someone (themselves), or believing salesmen or reviewers. Enjoy what you have. I have only one rule: If ... 
Which Tube Preamp under $10K?
Re Duke: I see it more of a disclosure issue than an advertising one. I know I recently read about the KR 300b tube and the first thing I wanted to know is where I can buy them. If he recommends something it's because he believes it and is trying ... 
Absolutely beautiful gear
Art Audio amps with the blue LED crystals at night. Guarneri's and McIntosh also. 
Should I put my loudspeakers in a smaller room?
First, NOW is the time to try it out while you have them and see how it works. I've heard the LS360's and really like them. My concern would be how close you will be sitting to the speakers in that room. With their multiple drivers, it may make ev... 
Audiokinesis's post is worth reading twice. One solution for your situation might be a pair of Omega Speakers stand mounts with a sub. You then have a single driver covering most of the range that has no crossover or different cones and domes to m... 
Matching center/rear speakers for Cain & Cain Abby
Here's a couple of my opinions. If you sit between the left and right speaker then you may not need a center channel. But the more you, or other people watching, sit off center the better reason to have a center channel in line with the TV to anch... 
Can Krell KSA250 be connected with both RCA & XLR?
I think the owners manual pretty much says it. In addition, if you use the RCA's, you need to put shorting pins in the XLR's. That's what I seem to remember when I owned the KSA250. FWIW, I think the KSA250 is one of the greatest amps ever made. G... 
Is this music to your r ears, or what?
Close to the same line: A woman marries a Catholic man. One night she wants to have sex and he says, "I can't it's Lent." She says, "Well to who and for how long?" 
Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it
Isn't it enough that you like the 350? What if they polled a million people and 95% preferred the 350.5? You'd be way in the minority. So what. It's your money, buy what sounds good to you. If that happened and you wonder why you're in the minorit... 
2a3 or 300b amp for me ?
You are off to a good start with the recommendations of the Welborne and Wright. I would add the Fi X 2a3. By changing rectifiers,$15, you can run a 45 tube in it. If you poll 100 audiophiles on which is the better tube you will get an interesting... 
Best small intro to tubes?
Check out the Sophia Baby,$900 or EL34,$1500 at Sophia Electric. They may offer a trial with a restocking fee. Mating amps and speakers is very important. See it as a whole. Good luck. 
Historical look at amps
Jsujo, On Mac amps, he means in his opinion to his ears. Millions of people think otherwise and have voted with pocketbooks. At the end of the day it ONLY matters what sounds good to THAT person.