
Responses from opalchip

Manly Steelhead - any downside??
Nothing wrong with the Steelhead at all - except if price IS an issue. If you'd prefer not to pay for the "brand premium", nor huge advertising, tradeshow, and dealer/reviewer demo budgets, consider the Granite Audio 770FP. A spectacular sounding ... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Turntable.. Schmurntable... A turntable only needs to do 3 things to be Perfect: 1. Turn at the prescribed speed (e.g. 33rpm) with minimal fluctuation. 2. Impart no vibration/resonance of it's own to the cartridge/arm. 3. Be shielded or designed ... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Another one to consider, a bit different from either the Technics or the P3, and even cheaper used (at most $350 total for a mint one) is a Dual CS-5000. I had one in my closet that I had never used and set up recently to in order to sell, and I w... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Rega P3's are often known to run about 1% fast. I find it kind of hilarious that the same people who claim they can hear unmeasurable "sonics" and "inner detail" are also the first to explain away that you can't hear a 1% speed difference. Or that... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
I agree with Harhau - in this price range nothing OBJECTIVELY beats the specs of a 1200 in regards to speed accuracy/stability, and wow/flutter, nor is anything less finicky. And the KAB modded Ortofon 40 is a killer budget cartridge - with no set... 
Wife Acceptance Factor
My wife is supportive - even offering to buy me a pair of Avantgardes for Christmas last year. However, keep in mind, it's not just women - 98% of men probably don't think "it is normal (nor necessary) to drop $15,000 on a pre-amp". If your fiance... 
Are Dual turntables any good?
Not sure if anyone reading is actually interested in these minutiae but, I still have a CS-5000 too, and yeah, and when I first got it those crazy feet took a while to figure out! Not user friendly until you get the concept, but they make sense fr... 
Green Mountain Audio at RMAF
Great speakers but - raw materials and packing/shipping costs on a 2 way monitor up $600 from April 2005 ??? - gimme a break!!!! 
Are Dual turntables any good?
If you want a belt-drive or idler wheel TT, with modern amenities like non-intrusive auto shutoff and/or quartz lock regulation, Duals are as good as they get. By the time the CS-506 and CS-5000 were being produced, Japan had gone whole hog into D... 
6moons review of FAB Audio Model 1 speaker
I'd say the review seems reasonable overall, and I WOULD call it a Negative. (It's actually very refreshing to see a negative review in the audio press.) First off, if you like the sound of the FAB's, keep 'em. Everyone's ears are different - lite... 
Hales Design Group speakers....how good were they?
Jay_doug - What's the problem? Don't you like cymbals and horns that make your ears bleed, and snare drums that sound like tendons snapping? String quartets that will actually strip furniture? I'll bet your woofers don't even have kevlar dustcaps!... 
What's your dirty little secret?
My wife and I are 95% classical listeners so these are mine (generally when She's not home): Rock:Van Halen - 1984. Elton John - just turned down the lights and totally blasted Funeral For a Friend the other night! (wife included for that one).Nei... 
Rubber woofer cone?
Very easy to do yourself.Agree with Nsgarch, but I wouldn't bother to remove the woofer from the enclosure. I'd just lay the whole speaker down on it's back.I'd contact Opera and double check on what type of glue to use. I don't know your speakers... 
Dahlquist Dq 10 Help
As Rwwear stated, the woofers are Advents - the type with the masonite ring mounted over the metal basket. It is a very good woofer, reasonably long-throw (for it's era) with an oversize diameter foam surround.If the foam surrounds are shot (which... 
A Very Long Primer on Record Cleaning Fluids
Any thoughts on using enzymes in the mix to remove mold/mildew that (supposedly) alcohol and surfactants are not too good at? (Such as Buggtussel's Vinyl-zyme, Audio Intelligent, or Phoenix cleaners)Also, how about the medical grade detergents - s...