
Discussions overhang has started

CD Stoplight pen vs Sharpie Green Marker130484
Need settings for importing uncompr.CDs to Itunes30685
Need RCA to XLR adaptor for digital cable.Help140486
How to apply DensoDamp to Michell Gyro SE?48382
Grado The Reference 600 hrs old. How many more?28852
Any fix for a locked groove?70978
CD Recorder :Fostex or Tascam?203599
A question about Goblin soundtracks18213
Revel Salon:how to detach sides?18871
Krell SACD Standard: grinding CDs prob.solved54815
Subst. slow blow w fast blow fuse:normal practice?25461
Fuse problem:cannot understand what i'm missing104337
Directional fuse and integrated IEC outlet451210
How to trick a player into reading SACD layer?40625
Opposite effect with cardas/Ayre CD52789