

Responses from ozzy

PAD Venustas
I have been able to recently compare the Venustus against the Aqueous.The Venustus has defintaly more bass but not tighter bass.The Aqueous has more high end extension and better overall dynamics.I prefer the Aqueous over the Venustus.Funny, I tri... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Nanotec Speaker Cables my $.50 opinion.As I posted earlier, my impression of this cable has been different than Steves.After having a fully broken in pair of the Nanotec Speaker cables for several days now, I can post my findings with my equipment... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
I just received the Nanontec #79 speaker cables.I must say they are not much to look at. My findings thus far are different from yours Steve. Your system is much more elaborate and much more $$$ than mine and I have only played them a short time t... 
Jethro Tull
Qdrone,I belive these discs were transferred from the original Master tapes using a 24 bit digital system to capture as much of the original master tape info as possible. These are then converted to play on a standard CD Player (16 bits).Unless th... 
Transparent Ref MM spkr cbls- How do they compare?
Wow! I am very confused. Thanks .When I see Transparent used cables I cant tell if its a good price or not. Your reply confirms what a mess there labeling is. 
Anyone tried Shunyata's Antares interconnect yet ?
I tried the previous Shunyata interconnects and Speaker cables. Even with all their glowing reviews and my being a proud owner of Shunyata Hydra 8 and 2 and the Annaconda Alpha power cords ,I thought then they sounded lean. Descibe how you will ab... 
Question about bi-wired speakers
The jumpers should be used as a temporary fix or at least until you can try bi-wiring.For whatever the reason.( this can be argued to death) My speakers sound better bi-wired. 
Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous
Thanks, For the opinions. I needed that ! 
Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous
I now have the Dominus Rev C Power cords on my APL 3910 and Balanced 2M Dominus C Interconnects going to my Pass X350.5 Amp. The Rev C has a fantastic high end,(I was suprised by that)and a huge soundstage!.. My speaker cables need upgrading. I am... 
Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil?
I just tried the Cardas Myrtle Wood Blocks under Amp (Pass Labs X350.5) and under my APL 3910. On my Pass Amp with the wood blocks, the sound did change, the bass and the music sort of lossed its depth compared to the stock feet. On my APL, Alex ... 
Lifting ground my only option so far?
Most hmmn noise is generated from Cable TV.Do you have any type of video connected into your Audio System ?If so disconnect the RF cable input and see if the humm goes completly away. 
HDTV transmitter/antenna information
I live in Monroe area, 35 miles south of Detroit and 35 miles North of Toledo.I bought a indoor Amplified Samsung antenna . It is better than the outdoor Rat Shack!. Picks up more stations! With a switcher, I can get all the Detroit stations from ... 
Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .
I agree with Muralman1. I have recentlty tried Super tweeters and I think they overlap the other Speakers tweeter's too much. I also think it threw off the balance of the mid and low range of the main speakers. But, I was experiminting with vintag... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Alberporter. Probably the Dominus was created in Texas and was sold to the Indonesia market. What does that matter?If they end up on the US Market, people will not be getting what they think was purchased. There is no idication on the cable. The s... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Just for the record, the only reason I posted the differences in sound in the various Purist Dominus is because I was bringing to the attention of would be used Purist Dominus Buyers that beware, they are not all created equal.I know, I paid for a...