

Responses from ozzy

Cerious cables - Proper setup and run in time
This is a response that I posted at Audio Asylum Reply to: You will not hear their benefit the first day you get them. nt posted by Norm on October 14, 2005 at 20:28:47:I recieved a 2 meter Balanced Cerious Interconnect pair yesterday.When I first... 
Cerious cables - Proper setup and run in time
Wow, after reading 6 Moons conclusion what a difference from their first review.I own the Zu Variel, Zu Ibis and Zu Mother power cord. I thought they were ok for the money but moved them to my Home theatre setup. It seems the 6 moons reviewer was ... 
Harmonic Technology Cyberlight cables
I totally agree a one year warranty for such an Investment is way too short!The Power Pack (+$399 Option)contains a special battery and charger for running the cables straight from the battery.Now the battery life must be limited and problably har... 
Harmonic Technology Cyberlight cables
Mystery humm cleared. But still strange.I am using a APL 3910 direct to my Krell Amp. I had a Composite Video (RCA) connected to the APL and then to a small TV so I could use the TV when playing DVD-A's while navigating thru the menus.Once I disco... 
Harmonic Technology Cyberlight cables
Has anyone experienced humm from these cables?I just recieved a pair to try from the Cable Company and it seems there is a humm coming from one of the interconnects. This humm is pretty signifacant but, out of only one channel.I have tried exchang... 
Can Prairie Wind be bought as cd only?
Buought it at Amazon for $20. 
Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?
Well I just talked to Bob about Cable Cooker. Busy guy these days. He says that the use of the Cable Cooker is a good thing and is recommended and will do NO damage to his cables.He said the confusion comes up about cable break in. He believes his... 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
I have not heard the Ayre. My comment about the APL being in another league was in reference to modded or redesigned players.The APL is in another league compared to that type equipment. 
Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?
Thanks for the help and All the great opinions.I did talk to Bob, maybe he has changed his way of thinking , because he told me the use of the Cable Cooker was a good thing. I will double check before I use itOther interconnect cables that I ownHM... 
Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?
1marker, jfz, stanhifiThanks for the help.Stanhifi how long did you have the cables and what did you use them with ?Well I went ahead and ordered a pair. I guess there is no better way to tell but in my system. I ordered a 2 meter balanced set and... 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
I mentioned the 3 upgrades only to show the advantage of buying a APL unit. I remember buying Sonic Frontiers Equipment only for them to come out with a Mark 2 version soon after. Then it was a Dac 2 Mark 2 and so on.I am sure eventually the Ayre ... 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
Khrys,It sounds like the Ayre would be a fine machine , based on reviews and the comments on the internet. I admit, I have not heard the Ayre. But...Have you heard the APL ?APL does not consider it a mod. Most of the Denon components, boards etc a... 
Initial impressions of the Denon 5900 universal
Ears,I have never actually heard the Onkyo. I have read that it is a fine Universal player. I considered buying it but I was thinking of having the audio modded and no one seems to do any modding with the Onkyo.Instead, I kept the Denon 5900 as a ... 
Initial impressions of the Denon 5900 universal
I have owned the 5900 for a couple of years now. I have never seen anything like ears has descibed in the video. I believe the 5.1 Audio is also excellent for a Universal Player.I also own the latest APL 3910 Denon which I use strickly for 2 channel. 
Anyone with experience with ZU products?
Dave b,Which MIT did you end up with? I have never had a chance to use them.